发布时间:2019-12-17 文章来源: 至领留学 点击:1708次
Business analytics is the process of transforming data into insights to improve business decisions. Data management, data visualization, predictive modeling, data mining, forecasting simulation and optimization are some of the tools used to create insights from data. 商业分析是将数据转换为洞察力以改进业务决策的过程。数据管理、数据可视化、预测建模、数据挖掘、预测模拟和优化是用于从数据中创建洞察力的一些工具。
信息技术现在在社会上很普及。例如,手机、传感器、零售扫描仪和互联网产生大量对企业具有潜在价值的数据。我们真正生活在数据时代,收集的数据量只会继续增长。只有将这些数据转换为信息和洞察力,它们才有价值。商业分析的毕业生通过提取有用的见解并将其应用于各种职业环境(想想《点球成金》(Moneyball)中的比利•比恩[Billy Beane]),培养出深刻的定量能力和技术专长,创造商业和社会价值。
However, there is a shortage of well-trained business analytics professionals who can create insight from data to solve business problems. According to McKinsey Global Institute’s “Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity”… 然而,缺乏训练有素的业务分析专业人员,他们能够从数据中创建洞察力来解决业务问题。麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)的《大数据:创新、竞争和生产率的下一个前沿》(Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity)指出……
“by 2018 the United States alone could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts with the know-how to use the analysis of big data to make effective decisions” “到2018年,仅美国就将面临14万至19万人的深度分析人才短缺,以及150万名懂得利用大数据分析做出有效决策的经理和分析师的短缺。”
Management Analyst/Consultant管理分析师/顾问
Data Analyst/Scientist 数据分析师/科学家
Business Intelligence Analyst商业智能分析师
Program and Marketing Managers项目和市场经理
Big Data Analytics Specialist大数据分析专家
Research Analyst研究分析师
Manager of Services or Manufacturing Operations服务或制造运营经理
Market Research Analyst市场调研分析师
Business Intelligence and Performance Management Consultants商业智能和绩效管理顾问
Pricing and Revenue Optimization Analyst定价和收入优化分析师
“Increasingly in today’s business world, expertise in Business Analytics is a critical differentiator when companies are seeking new talent. As the amount and type of information we can collect and evaluate continues to explode, companies need analytics to translate data into relevant, actionable information, and thus success. The Wake Forest MSBA curriculum is designed to equip students with not only analytical skills, but also the necessary communication skills to drive analytics into action.” “在当今的商业世界,商业分析的专业知识日益成为企业在寻找新人才时的一个关键差异化因素。”随着我们可以收集和评估的信息的数量和类型不断激增,公司需要分析来将数据转换成相关的、可操作的信息,从而获得成功。维克森林大学MSBA课程的设计,不仅让学生具备分析能力,还让他们具备必要的沟通技巧,将分析转化为行动。
David Dittman
Director, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Procter & Gamble宝洁公司商业智能与分析总监