发布时间:2016-08-16 点击:2151次
项目名称:Master of Human Resource Management(MHRM)
俄亥俄州立大学人力资源管理硕士(Master of Human Resource Management,缩写:MHRM)共需修读43.5个学分,开设在商学院(Fisher College of Business)下面,要求申请者本科毕业,不要求商学专业背景。
Plan A:共需修读43.5个学分,需撰写论文, 如希望今后从事科研或继续攻读PhD项目,可选择此课程设置。
Plan B:共需修读43.5个学分,无需撰写论文,需参加共计3个学分的实习或授课以及结业考试,该项目大部分学生选择此课程设置。
Core Human Resource Skills 10.5 semester hours
MHR 7301 Conceptual and Historical Foundations of Labor and Human Resources I
MHR 7311 Staffing the Organization Staffing Organizations
MHR 7313 Total Rewards/Compensation
MHR 7314 Designing Effective Organizational Learning Systems
MHR 7325 Human Resource Problem Solving
Leadership Skills 4.5 semester hours
MHR 7304 Talent Management
MHR 7306 Understanding Teams & Leadership for Human Resource Managers
MHR 7308 Organizational Development and Change
MHR 7310 Labor Relations
Analytical Skills 4.5 semester hours
MHR 7303 Human Resource Management Research Methods
MGT 6620 Data Analysis and Decision Making for Labor and Human Resources
Business Context Skills 9 semester hours
MHR 7302 Markets, Organizations, and HRM
MHR 7305 Contemporary Employment Practices and the Law
MHR 7309 Strategic Management of Human Resources
MHR 7320 Fundamentals of Business Excellence I
MHR 7321 Fundamentals of Business Excellence II
MHR 7322 Fundamentals of Business Excellence III
秋季:November 18(Fellowship/priority funding deadline);March 17 Final deadline,国际学生无春季入学
International Student Tuition and Fees $36,066