发布时间:2016-07-11 点击:2397次
项目:供应链物流管理硕士专业【Master of Science in Supply Chain Management(MSSCM)】
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的供应链物流管理硕士项目(Master of Science in Supply Chain Management)不限本科专业背景,申请者需要修习微积分;没有修过微积分课程的申请者需要预修课程OPRE 6303 Quantitative Foundation of Business。学生在校需修够至少36个学分。德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校允许申请者推迟1年入学。
Basic Business Core(9学分)
OPRE 6301 Quantitative Introduction Risk and Uncertainty in Business
OPRE 6302 Operations Management
ACCT 6305 Accounting for Managers or
FIN 6301 Financial Management
Supply Chain Management Core Courses(9学分)
OPRE 6366 Global Supply Chain Management
OPRE 6370 Global Logistics and Transportation
OPRE 6371 Purchasing, Sourcing and Contract Management
Supply Chain Management Electives选修课(15-18学分)
OPRE 6325 Healthcare Operations Management
OPRE 6332 Spreadsheet Modeling and Analytics
OPRE 6335 Risk and Decision Analysis
OPRE 6340 Flexible Manufacturing Strategies
OPRE 6341 Retail Operations
OPRE 6362 Project Management in Engineering and Operations
OPRE 6363 Inventory Control
OPRE 6364 Quality Control (Lean Six Sigma)
OPRE 6367 Capstone Project in Supply Chain Management
OPRE 6368 Industrial Applications in Supply Chains
OPRE 6369 Supply Chain Software (SAP-APO)
OPRE 6377 Demand and Revenue Management
OPRE 6378 Supply Chain Strategy
OPRE 6379 Product Lifecycle Management
OPRE 6388 Engineering Packaged Goods Distribution
OPRE 6389 Managing Energy: Risk, Investment, Technology
OPRE 6398 Prescriptive Analytics
★成绩单Previous Degree transcripts& certificates
★目标陈述One page statement of personal objectives
★ GMAT平均分为604,接受GRE成绩
★ 推荐信One letter of recommendation
★ 简历Resume
★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例!
☆纽约大学整合营销硕士(MS in Integrated Marketing)申请攻略