发布时间:2021-09-08 文章来源: 至领留学 点击:2404次
圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis),USNEWS美国综合大学排名20左右,世界排名30左右,它的Olin商学院不仅师资力量强大,67位终身职位教授、18位客座教授、42位兼职教授,而且拥有AACSB认证且极具优势,是不少赴美读研小伙伴们的梦校。下面给大家介绍WUSTL商学院的面试情况。
平台:Kira Talent video service(网申里提供链接,有时也会收到邮件提醒)
要求:3个问题,准备30s, 回答90s.
注意事项:练习问题是回答60s; 手机录制,kira的app同样也可以。
1. 关于提交时间:网申提交之前。万一提交之前忘记录制,一定及时登录进去补录。时间一长可就补录不了了。只能跟学校去沟通。
2. 关于录制:截止时间临近来不及录制,可以先提交再及时补录。网络问题导致第一次没有录制成功可以进行第二次录制。录完提交之后SMP Kira Video一栏就会消失,证明成功。
3. 关于录制时长:正式录制的时候回答时间是90S, 有些同学可能只说了85S 就没什么可以说了,这种情况下可以按space停止,避免 5S尴尬时间。
1、 提前收集面经,充实自己的题库;
2、 提前测试网速,避免网络问题导致的retry情况;
3、 提前录制,不要卡DDL,避免出现特殊情况,比如错过网申提交时间;
4、 不要频繁拔网线(你懂的),避免再次登录受限;
1. Why choose Olin?
2. What to recommend if visit your hometown?
3. What is the first thing you would pay attention to people?
4. Which do you perfer, journey or destination?
5. Would you rather be hot or cold?
6. If you were told you would not be with family or friends again, would you still travel to the Mars?
7. What's the superpower you would like to obtain and why?
10.Are you a listener or a talker?
11.prefer journey or destination?
Interview (每3个一组)
1. How to brew a perfect cup of coffee or tea.
2. Tell me about your favorite study environment.
3. Tell me about your favorite professor or teacher.
1. What is the first thing that come to your mind when you wake up everyday? Why?
2. Which great musician you would like to have dinner with?
3. As the world population ages, what do you think would be the challenges for future business leader?
1. Why is this program important to you
2.What's the most useful piece of advice you have receive
3.A cultural difference you have experienced, what's difference and similarity between your culture and other culture?
1. describe your hometown
2. talk about something that make you excited.
3. talk about a successful company, and say what makes it successful.
提交网申之后的一个月左右会就会收到Olin的面试邮件,邀请你在某个时间参加某某面试官的Skype面试。你需要回复邮件提供一下你的Skype 账号和说明一下时间是否合适。当然,前提是在此期间你不会收到拒信。
1. 关于时间:一定要提前算好时差,提前半小时在线等。如果在约好面试的时间段有突发事件必须延迟, 一定提前跟面试官沟通;
2. 关于Skype 账号:建议不要直接用名字作为账号名称,避免出现一搜一大片的情况。给自己提一个独一无二的名字,方便你的面试官找到你;
3. 关于网络:提前调试,必要的时候可以开VPN,避免正式面试出现尴尬情况。
4. 关于面试问题:一定熟悉自己的简历和PS,先关的研究经历和实习活动经历是重点。
5. 面试官的提问:问道是否有想问的问题,一定要问。难道你对自己理想的大学没有一点点好奇吗?
1、 提前查询面试官的相关背景和信息,知己知彼方能百战百胜。
2、 有礼貌懂礼仪。着装和言谈举止也是考核的一部分。保持微笑和感谢是基本的。
3、 感谢邮件:除了表示感谢,邮件还有一个重要的作用:再次表达自己的心情和加深面试官对你的印象。
1. Undergraduate
highlight in your undergraduate study(这里我们花了一些时间讨论,我的highlight里面提到了一个项目,然后她详细问了一下我研究的东西的定义)
2. Internship相关类
what you learned from the internship (问了我最近一段的实习)
3. 课外活动
your experience in the student union (我cv里写了这个,然后介绍了我做的比较成功的事情以及我学到了什么)
4. why Olin
还申请了哪些项目,why Olin stand out of others
5. why MSF
6. International experience:
7. Leadership类:
8. Q&A
1. 本科经历类
why current major
2. Why MACC (具体啥时候决定学会计的?) 为什么想学会计 想去会计公司做cpa,
3. Why Olin, why now(对st. louis的了解), 申的学校都是美国的么?your university also has one of the top Macc programs, why you chose Olin? 如果同时有几个项目可以选择,会重点考虑哪些因素
4. 课外活动类
看essay做了很多volunteer work,为什么,有什么经历,每周花多少时间
你在做teamwork时遇到什么困难,怎么解决的, tell me about a problem that you came across in a team project in school or in work and how do you solve it?
5. Internship相关类
what do you think your internships experiences can help you in your career
6. What else do you want to share with me about yourself?
7. 你最想跟现在的或者是过去的哪位作家一起吃饭,为什么?
8. career goal是什么,为什么选这个做career goal, 以后想在什么特定的企业工作吗?
9. achievement
10. 这么多事情压力很大平时如何保持健康(……)
11. Hobbies, tell me a favorite city you have been to? 背景是楼主在简历上写喜欢旅游
12. describe a time you were honest and forthcoming but you felt difficult to do so
13. how do you combat a negative attitude
14. 明天做什么,有别的要分享的吗
15. Questions to ask me?
1. 个人background / 有什么你觉得你能让我了解的/ the most important experience you want to share
2. Overseas Experience/ What did you do at USC as an exchange student
3. 什么时候决定申请master的,
4. MSCA与career goal的联系/why MSCA; short and long term goals
5. 如何知道Olin的,为什么选择Olin/ other school you have chosen and three reasons for choosing them
6. Internship Experience
Internship Experience / 你做的主要工作/ your recent work
Key take-aways from each internship (实习的收获)
7. Extracurricular Activities
The most unforgettable experience
8. Personal part
Share your RA experience
What did you do as a volunteer in NGO
How did you arrange you time to conduct so many experiences
How can you speak English so well?
Can you explain the gap between your graduation and first job
1. 为什么要选择WUSTL这个项目?
2. 长短期目标是什么
3. WUSTL的track中比较倾向于哪个?
4. 问了一下实习
5. Q&A