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发布时间:2017-06-14    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:2467次

一般情况下,申请英国的研究生,成绩摆在第一位,最低标准是2.2 (英本的50分-60分,国内大学的80-85分上下)。对于一些规划名校,像UCL,至少需要2.1学位(英本的60分以上,国内大学的85分左右)。对于非211,985的学校,成绩可能还会相对高一些。


  一般情况下,申请英国的研究生,成绩摆在第一位,最低标准是2.2 (英本的50分-60分,国内大学的80-85分上下)。对于一些规划名校,像UCL,至少需要2.1学位(英本的60分以上,国内大学的85分左右)。对于非211,985的学校,成绩可能还会相对高一些。

  如果你有丰富的工作经验,可能会对你本科的成绩要求有所降低,我遇到过建筑专业国内本科成绩70分左右的朋友,但是因为丰富的工作经验和作品集而成功申请到 Bartlett 建筑专业。



  伦敦大学学院(UCL): MSc Housing and City Planning; MRes Inter-disciplinary Urban Design; MSc International Planning; MSc International Real Estate and Planning; MSc Mega Infrastructure Planning, Appraisal and Delivery; MSc Spatial Planning; MSc Sustainable Urbanism; MSc Transport and City Planning; MSc Urban Design andCity Planning; MSc Urban Regeneration

  利物浦大学: MSc Urban Planning(伦敦校区); MSc Environmental Assessment and Management; MSc Marine Planning and Management; MA Town and Regional Planning; MCD Town and Regional Planning; MSc Urban Regenerationand Management

  谢菲尔德大学: MA Cities and Global Development; MA Commercial Real Estate; MA Real Estate Planning and Development; MA Town and Regional Planning

  卡迪夫大学: MSc Eco-Cities; MSc International Planning and Development; MSc Spatial Planning and Development; MSc Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy; MSc Transport and Planning; MSc Urban and Regional Development

  曼彻斯特大学: MSc Global Urban Development and Planning; MSc Urban Design andInternational Planning; MSc Urban Regeneration and Development

  伯明翰大学: MSc International Development; MSc Urban and Regional Planning

  纽卡斯尔大学: MA Regional Development and Spatial Planning; MSc International Spatial Planning

  雷丁大学: MSc Real Estate and Planning; MSc Spatial Planning and Development

  格拉斯哥大学: MSc City & Regional Planning; MSc City Planning & Regeneration; MSc City Planning & Real Estate Development; MSc Environment & Sustainable Development; MRes Urban Research; MSc Urban Transport

  剑桥大学: MPhil Planning, Growth and Regeneration


  剑桥大学: MPhil Architecture and Urban Design; MPhil Architecture and Urban Studies

  伦敦大学学院(UCL): PG Cert Advanced Architecture Research; MRes Architectural Computation; MSc Architectural Computation; March Architectural Design; MA Architectural History, March(RIBA PART 2) Architecture; MRes Architecture and Digital Theory; MA Architecture and Historic Urban Environments; MRes Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities; MSc Spatial Design: Architecture and Cities;

  巴斯大学: MSc Architectural Engineering: Environmental Design; MSc Conservation of Historic Buildings; MSc Modern Building Design

  纽卡斯尔大学: MA Architecture Design Research; March Architecture; MSc Experimental Architecture

  卡迪夫大学: MA Architecture: Professional Studies; MSc Environmental Design of Buildings; MArch Architecture; MS Sustainable Building Conservation; MSc Sustainable Mega-Buildings; MSc Theory and Practice of Sustainable Design

  谢菲尔德大学: MA Architecture Design;MSc ArchitectureEngineering Design; March Architecture; March Architecture and LandscapeArchitecture; March Architecture and Town and Regional Planning; MSc DigitalArchitecture and Design; MSc Sustainable Architecture Studies

  曼彻斯特大学: March Architecture; MA Architecture and Urbanism

  利物浦大学: MA Architecture; MRes Arts(Architecture); MSc Building Infromation Modelling(BIM); MSc Digital Integrated Design; March Master of Architecture; MSc Sustainable Environmental Design in Architecture; MSc Architecture(伦敦校区); MSc Advanced Trans disciplinary Design(伦敦校区)

  诺丁汉大学: March Digital Architecture and Tectonics; MSc Renewable Energy and Architecture; March Design

  爱丁堡大学: MSc Architectural Conservation; MSc Architectural History & Theory; MSc Architecture; March Architecture


  爱丁堡大学: MSc Landscape & Wellbeing; MLA Landscape Architecture;

  谢菲尔德大学: MA Landscape Architecture; MA Landscape Management; MA Landscape Research; MA Landscape Studies

  纽卡斯尔大学: MA Architecture, Planning and Landscape


  卡迪夫大学: MA Urban Design

  伦敦大学学院(UCL): MArch Urban Design

  利物浦大学: MSc Urban Design and Property Development(伦敦校区)

  谢菲尔德大学: MA Urban Design; MA Urban Design and Planning

  纽卡斯尔大学: MA Urban Design

  诺丁汉大学: MA Sustainable Urban Design; MA Environmental Design

  城市规划 RTPI 协会介绍:

  英国皇家城市规划协会(The Royal Town Planning Institute,简称RTPI),是英国女王及政府认可并授权的规划师职业组织,参加议会院外活动,向政府提供政策建议,管理职业规划师队伍,制定职业规划师标准及审查颁发皇家规划师资格证书,制定规划师职业资格标准和教育标准,组织对职业规划教育认定工作,制定规划师职业道德准则及执行纪律,制定职业规划继续教育规定并组织培训、监督检查,组织国内外学术交流,出版刊物,就业指导等等。


  建筑 RIBA 学会介绍:

  英国皇家建筑师学会(The Royal Institute of British Architects,简称RIBA),于1834年以英国建筑师学会的名称成立,1837年取得英皇家学会资格,在全球拥有会员超过3万名,与美国建筑师学会(AIA)并称当前世界范围内最具知名度的两大建筑师学会。它的宗旨是:开展学术讨论,提高建筑设计水平,保障建筑师的职业标准。

  在英国,要以建筑师的身份参与项目和设计方案,一定获得英国皇家建筑师(RIBA)的资格认证。英国皇家建筑师(RIBA:Royal Institute of British Architects)资格认证一共分为3个部分:

  RIBA Part 1: 经过大学本科的三年学习,或者本科的学位证书。一般学生在第一年学习过程中就可以成为RIBA学生会员;毕业后需要在业内实习一年Stage 1 practical experience/year out, 才有机会进行第二部分的学习;

  RIBA Part 2: 一般是两年的时间,拿到硕士学位。需要1-2年的工作经验Stage 2 practical experience进行第三部分的进修学习或者直接考试。

  RIBA Part 3: 最后的资格考试,一般从下面几个方面考核:

  24 months of practical experience recorded on the PEDR website

  Professional CV and career evaluation

  Case study

  Written examination

  Final oral examination

  Architect: 拿到了这三个部分的资格以后就可以在Architects Registration Board(ARB)注册成为一名建筑师了。


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