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发布时间:2017-02-16    点击:2963次


New Jersey’s academic health center, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) takes an integrated approach to educating students, providing clinical care, and conducting research, all with the goal of improving human health. Aligned with Rutgers University–New Brunswick and collaborating university-wide, RBHS includes eight schools, a behavioral health network, and five centers and institutes that focus on cancer treatment and research, neuroscience, advanced biotechnology and medicine, environmental and occupational health, and health care policy and aging research.

Our faculty are teachers, clinicians, and scientists with unparalleled experience who advance medical innovation and provide patient care informed by the latest research findings. We offer an outstanding education in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nursing, biomedical research, and the full spectrum of allied health careers.

Our clinical and academic facilities are located throughout the state—at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, including Piscataway; and at locations in Newark, Scotch Plains, Somerset, Stratford, and other locations. Clinical partners include Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, Newark’s University Hospital in Newark, and other affiliates.

Through this community of healers, scientists, and scholars, Rutgers is equipped as never before to transform lives

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is seeking a Visiting Research for the Department of Anesthesiology within Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. The Visiting Researcher will conduct biochemical, morphologic, and pain behavior techniques within the research laboratory of Dr. Yuan-Xiang Tao, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator. Dr. Tao’s research focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie chronic pain and opioid-induced analgesic tolerance and hyperalgesia.

The Visiting Researcher will design and perform experiments, collect and analyze data, write manus, and present results.

Develops standards, methodologies, and instrumentation for experiments.

Utilizes immunochemistry techniques in research.

Performs Western blots.

Participates in evaluation of procedures, suggests revisions, and proposes new procedures.

Trains clinical fellows and students.

Assists in writing grants.

Minimum Education and Experience

MD, PhD, or equivalent, with 3-4 years laboratory experience.

Applicant Documents

1.Curriculum Vitae

2.Cover Letter/Letter of Application

罗格斯大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)是美国新泽西州的最大高等学府。罗格斯大学由三个校区组成:主校区位于新泽西州新布朗斯维克市(New Brunswick)与皮斯卡特维镇(Piscataway),另两个分校区位于纽瓦克(Newark)和肯顿(Camden)。罗格斯大学提供跨175个系别、29所学院的超过100个学士学位、100个硕士学位以及80个博士或专业学位,隶属美国大学协会。罗格斯大学被誉为“公立常春藤”大学之一,是美国的顶尖大学,世界一流的研究性大学,其学术声誉在州内仅次于普林斯顿大学。


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