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发布时间:2017-01-12    点击:2410次

Ranking University Name Teaching quality
Student experience
Research rating
Entry points
Graduate prospects
Total score
1 剑桥大学University of Cambridge 86.60% 86.90% 52.50% 636 87.50% 100
2 英国女王大学Queen's University Belfast 90.50% 95.80% 60.00% 419 98.60% 97.7
3 阿尔斯特大学University of Ulster 92.10% 92.40% 42.50% 394 100.00% 94.9
4 伦敦大学学院University College London 80.10% 90.30% 51.30% 458 97.00% 94.8
5 布里斯托大学University of Bristol 93.20% 99.10% 47.00% 440 76.50% 94.6
5 思克莱德大学University of Strathclyde 74.90% 82.10% 52.20% 532 94.50% 94.6
7 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University 85.30% 92.30% 36.80% 436 97.30% 93.7
8 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester 78.90% 84.50% 57.10% 448 93.80% 93.6
9 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University 90.90% 89.60% 47.80% 457* 75.60% 93.4
10 阿斯顿大学Aston University 87.30% 92.90% 39.10% 378 99.50% 93
11 巴斯大学University of Bath 76.40% 80.90% 56.20% 441 97.50% 92.9
11 诺丁汉大学The University of Nottingham 75.20% 83.70% 51.20% 453 98.60% 92.9
13 基尔大学Keele University 93.10% 97.80% 20.90% 385 99.30% 92.8
14 利兹大学University of Leeds 84.90% 91.30% 40.90% 453 84.60% 92.7
14 邓迪大学University of Dundee 74.30% 76.80% 55.40% 497* 91.30% 92.7
14 雷丁大学University of Reading 88.30% 93.30% 34.20% 382 99.30% 92.7
17 阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen 88.70% 94.90% 34.70% 442 81.00% 92.4
18 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow 79.90% 84.60% 33.40% 504 90.00% 92.2
18 东英吉利大学University of East Anglia 82.70% 86.30% 38.10% 421 98.60% 92.2
20 罗伯特高登大学The Robert Gordon University 87.90% 92.00% 4.90% 477 99.40% 91.9
21 肯特大学University of Kent 85.7%* 90.7%* 42.30% 352 98.60% 91.8
22 利物浦大学The University of Liverpool 90.70% 94.50% 31.70% 400 80.90% 91.1
23 伦敦国王学院King's College London 70.70% 82.10% 46.80% 415 94.60% 89.5
24 朴茨茅斯大学University of Portsmouth 85.50% 88.70% 24.30% 347 92.60% 88.3
25 哈德斯菲尔德大学University of Huddersfield 80.00% 89.30% 13.20% 366 97.90% 87.2
26 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 78.70% 83.70% 19.20% 413 n/a 86.6
27 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh 79.50% 89.80% 49.80% n/a 59.2%* 85.2
27 布拉德福德大学University of Bradford 78.50% 86.30% 9.50% 352 94.40% 85.2
29 布莱顿大学University of Brighton 76.90% 85.60% 4.80% 365 96.90% 84.9
30 利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学Liverpool John Moores University 77.10% 79.30% 6.00% 377 96.60% 84.6
31 德蒙福特大学De Montfort University 77.20% 85.00% 13.00% 324 96.00% 84.5
32 林肯大学University of Lincoln 77.60% 85.10% 22.60% 345 n/a 83.8
32 格林威治大学The University of Greenwich 80.80% 89.20% 2.70% 334 88.30% 83.8
34 玛格丽特女王大学Queen Margaret University 90.40% 89.60% 1.50% 317 75.00% 83.3
34 赫尔大学The University of Hull 72.80% 86.00% 16.70% n/a 82.90% 83.3
34 Coventry University 89.10% 93.70% 4.50% 290 76.90% 83.3
37 赫特福德大学University of Hertfordshire 75.60% 76.00% 10.90% 317 93.00% 82
38 桑德兰大学University of Sunderland 64.30% 77.60% 7.50% 353 98.60% 81.4
39 莱斯特大学University of Leicester 76.40% 84.10% n/a 411 64.20% 80.8
40 金斯顿大学Kingston University 81.40% 84.60% 2.60% 280 82.20% 80.7
41 中央兰开夏大学University of Central Lancashire 60.80% 75.30% 8.30% 339 98.40% 80.1
42 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学Glasgow Caledonian University 74.40% 91.20% 8.10% 375 52.90% 79.7
43 威斯敏斯特大学University of Westminster 67.90% 85.00% 21.20% 303 54.50% 77.1
44 伦敦都市大学London Metropolitan University 76.50% 82.40% 5.20% 240 53.10% 74.4
44 东伦敦大学University of East London 82.90% 83.50% 7.60% 308 26.00% 74.4


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