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发布时间:2017-01-11    点击:2059次

Ranking University Name Teaching quality
Student experience
Research rating
Entry points
Graduate prospects
Total score
1 剑桥大学University of Cambridge 89.20% 91.80% 44.60% 534 88.90% 100
2 杜伦大学Durham University 88.70% 89.20% 56.60% 486 85.20% 99.3
3 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews 98.90% 92.90% 28.90% 487 82.70% 97.9
4 兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University 83.90% 85.20% 53.00% 454 79.70% 95.4
5 埃克塞特大学University of Exeter 89.10% 89.30% 38.90% 454 80.30% 95.3
6 牛津大学University of Oxford 75.80% 84.80% 46.70% 532 82.30% 95.1
7 诺丁汉大学The University of Nottingham 96.80% 95.30% 43.90% 388 70.30% 95
8 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 86.40% 85.10% 36.20% 394 78.30% 91.9
9 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow 89.90% 91.00% 21.40% 464* 70.20% 91.8
9 布里斯托大学University of Bristol 86.50% 85.70% 36.00% 440 71.00% 91.8
11 利兹大学University of Leeds 84.30% 82.50% 44.40% 398 72.30% 91.2
12 斯特林大学University of Stirling 84.10% 79.20% 29.80% 407 83.00% 90.9
13 阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen 78.80% 81.80% 39.90% 418* 77.40% 90.7
14 伦敦国王学院King's College London 79.60% 81.30% 37.10% 402 73.30% 89.3
14 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh 74.00% 79.30% 43.20% 422 74.10% 89.3
16 肯特大学University of Kent 86.50% 84.80% 44.10% 311 66.30% 88.7
17 谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield 85.40% 85.80% 25.30% 379 68.10% 88.1
17 利物浦霍普大学Liverpool Hope University 94.70% 97.50% 17.70% 295 65.20% 88.1
19 伦敦大学亚非学院SOAS University of London 79.60% 84.50% 34.10% 380 67.80% 87.8
20 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester 82.90% 83.50% 37.20% 367 60.00% 87.1
21 切斯特大学University of Chester 89.60% 86.60% 11.10% 290 73.20% 85.9
22 英国女王大学Queen's University Belfast 88.80% 90.70% n/a 355 66.00% 85.1
22 温切斯特大学University of Winchester 88.40% 87.70% 18.00% 289 64.30% 85.1
22 牛津布鲁克斯大学Oxford Brookes University 89.50% 87.80% n/a 311* 73.60% 85.1
25 海斯罗珀学院Heythrop College of the University of London 86.50% 83.80% 14.00% 269 74.40% 84.9
25 罗汉普顿大学Roehampton University 83.20% 78.30% 24.30% 309 69.10% 84.9
27 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University 75.90% 77.80% 33.50% 348 60.80% 83.9
28 纽曼大学Newman University 90.50% 84.90% 3.50% 272 64.90% 82.9
29 奇切斯特大学University of Chichester 90.20% 89.10% n/a 259 64.50% 82.5
30 哥比亚大学University of Cumbria 83.10% 83.80% n/a 256* 77.50% 82.4
31 利兹圣三一大学Leeds Trinity University 91.60% 81.10% 9.90% 247 60.00% 82
32 格罗斯特大学University of Gloucestershire 83.90% 84.30% 6.90% 343 52.00% 81.3
33 坎特伯雷大学Canterbury Christ Church University 87.90% 78.50% 16.30% 252 57.00% 81.2
34 南威尔士大学The University of South Wales 89.90% 90.40% n/a 288 50.70% 80.9
35 约克圣约翰大学York St John University 84.30% 82.10% 4.80% 290 50.90% 79.2
36 巴斯斯巴大学Bath Spa University 85.00% 78.30% 8.30% 331 37.30% 77.9
37 特威克南圣玛丽大学St Mary's, Twickenham 73.60% 74.80% 9.40% 270 60.80% 77.8
38 赫尔大学The University of Hull 70.80% 79.30% 14.30% n/a 42.0%* 73


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