发布时间:2016-07-28 点击:2349次
康奈尔大学Cornell University(综合排名15)
项目名称:Master of Industrial and Labor Relations (MILR)
Corell University也是有一个专门的School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR),在ILR下开设了如下学位:
Master of Industrial and Labor Relations (MILR)
MILR/Master of Business Administration (MILR/MBA)
MILR/Master in Management ESCP Europe (MILR/MiM)
Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy (MS/PhD)
Master of Professional Studies in ILR, Ithaca (MPS Ithaca)
Master of Professional Studies in ILR, New York City (MPS NYC)
Master of Science track for BSILRs
Master of Industrial and Labor Relations (MILR)项目,这个项目是一个两年制的professional和career-focused学位,相比较MS类学位来说,它的课程偏向theory-based。它的分支包括:Human Resources and Organizations, International and Comparative Labor, Collective Representation, Dispute Resolution, Labor Market Policy。
1.Collective Bargaining
2.Labor and Employment Law
3.Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
4.Organizational Behavior
5.Labor Economics
6.Human Resource Management
截止日期:Fall - Round 1: January 1; Round 2: February 15(强烈建议广大的申请者在第一轮申请)
Spring - October 15
录取率:35% and 40%
TOEFL:Listening: 15;Reading: 20;Speaking: 22;Writing: 20(不接受雅思)
Current MILR Class Profile
Average Class size: 56.0 students
Average age: 27
Average years of work experience: 3.9 years
Mean GRE: 159 Verbal; 154 Quantitative; 4.3 Analytical
Mean GMAT: 34 Verbal; 36 Quantitative; 4.7 AWA
Mean TOEFL: 104
International Population: 36%