发布时间:2016-07-07 点击:2172次
The position will lead chromatographic and spectrophotometric procedures in the Laboratory of Dr. Colin Kay. Responsible for generating chromatography and spectroscopy data, tabulating and organizing data sets, ensuring quality of data, basic statistics analysis, generating tables and figures for presentation (in manus and conference presentations) as it relates to impacts on human health.
Work Responsibilities
Co-author publications, presentations, grant applications and method development.
Procurement and management of laboratory supplies as well as responsible for EH&S and safety regulation compliance.
Train and supervise students and visiting scholars.
Minimum Experience/Education
Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in appropriate field awarded no more than five (5) years from initial date of postdoctoral appointment.
Departmental Required Skills
PhD in biochemistry, chemistry, natural products chemistry, nutrition, pharmacy or toxicology (or related field), with at least 2 years of relevant laboratory experience.
Experience leading complex research projects measuring biological and food/crop materials.
Apply HPLC-MS/MS and extraction chromatography techniques to the study of phytochemical metabolism and impact on health.
Knowledge of phytochemical/small molecule extraction, chromatography (column and HPLC), and spectroscopy (MS/MS).
Experience in mass spectroscopy and extraction chromatography is required, including experienced in the following skills : extraction of small molecules/phytochemicals from plant and/or human tissues, working with biohazards, toxic, flammable materials and compressed gasses, solid phase extraction, and high performance liquid chromatography tandom electrospray ionisation mass spectroscopy.
Knowledge of basic statistical software packages.
北卡罗莱纳州立大学(North Carolina State University,简称NCSU或NC State),是一所成立于1887年的公立大学,师资力量雄厚,有19位教授被选为美国科学院(National Academy of Sciences)或工程院(National Academy of Engineering)院士。
北卡州大拥有超过500项的技术专利,在专利技术力量上排名全美第3位;学校来自产业界的研究资助,排名全美第7位;在公立研究型大学中,非政府资助研究经费,排名全美第12位。根据US News 2016最新公布的全美大学综合排名,NCSU位列第89名,属美国一级国家级大学。