发布时间:2016-06-12 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2565次
项目:金融工程硕士【MS in Financial Engineering(MSFE)】
克莱蒙特大学金融工程硕士专业【MS in Financial Engineering(MSFE)】是数学科学机构和管理学研究生院开设的联合交叉学科。要求申请者本科背景多变量微积分B+、线性代数B+,熟悉一门计算机编程语言(如C or C++、Java、VB、Matlab等。)
国际学生$83,568/学年,Mandatory Student Fees:$1,741 per unit
• 主修课程
Finance Core (18 units)
MGT 326 Financial Accounting
MGT 335 Corporate Finance
MGT 391 Introduction to Risk Management
MGT 402 Asset Management Practicum
MGT 339 Financial Derivatives
Mathematics Core (18 units)
Math 251 Probability
Math 252 Statistical Theory or
Math 463 Financial Time Series
Math 256 Stochastic Processes
Math 358 Mathematical Finance
Math 458A Quantitative Risk Managementor
Math 458B Optimal Portfolio Theory (2 units)
• 选修课程
Management & Economics Electives
ECON 384 Econometrics III
ECON 337 Behavioral Finance & Risk Management
MGT 307 Game Theory
MGT 327 Financial Statement Analysis
MGT 332 Energy Derivatives
MGT 334 Global Finance
MGT 340 Strategy
MGT 373 Financial Strategy and Policy
MGT 376 The Global Economy
MGT 383 Economics of Strategy
MGT 410 Entrepreneurial Finance
MGT 475 Selected Topics in Finance: Fixed Income
Math Electives
Math 265 Numerical Analysis
Math 282 Partial Differential Equations
Math 283 Mathematical Modeling
Math 261A Introduction to C++ (2 units)
Math 355 Linear Statistical Models
Math 359 Simulation
Math 361A Numerical Methods for Finance (2 units)
Math 361B Credit Risk
Math 366 Data Mining
Math 368 Advanced Numerical Analysis
Math 389 Discrete Mathematical Modeling
Math 392 Math Clinic
Math 452 Bayesian Data Analysis
Math 454 Statistical Learning
第1轮:December 1
第2轮:February 1
第3轮:April 1
第4轮:June 1
★ 完成在线申请表Online Application Form
★ 成绩单 Official transcripts
★ Standardized test scores:
TOEFL85+(读20、写22、说17、听17),或IELTS6.5+;托福低于100分必须参加Drucker International Fellows Program项目
GMAT (代码 DZK-QS-02) or GRE(代码4053)
★ 2份推荐信:Two (2) letters of recommendation
★ 个人陈述Statement of Purpose
Write a 3-5 page statement answering the following:
1.Why is admission to the MSFE important to you?
2.What special contributions do you believe you will make to Claremont Graduate University?
3.Describe an ethical dilemma you have encountered and the process by which you resolved the situation.
★ 简历Resume
★ 面试Interview (phone, skype or in person)
★ 申请费:$80
★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例!