发布时间:2021-01-28 文章来源: 至领留学 点击:2005次
克利夫兰医学中心是世界最著名医疗机构之一,机构集合医疗、研究和教育三位一体,提供专业医疗和最新治疗方案的非营利性机构。克利夫兰医学中心始建于1921年2月28日 ,隶属于俄亥俄州一家非营利性公司--克利夫兰临床基金会,并由其经营。
克利夫兰医学中心本部位于克利夫兰市,在佛罗里达、内华达、加拿大和阿布扎比开设有分院。克利夫兰诊所本部共有超过1400个床位,整个医院体系拥有4400个床位 。
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
The research group of Rodrigo Lopez-Gonzalez in the Department of Neurosciences at the Lerner Research Institute is looking for a talented and highly motivated fellow to participate in projects aiming to gain insight into the cellular and molecular pathogenic mechanisms of frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using human iPSCs derived neurons and brain organoids as experimental models.
Our current research is built on papers from Lopez-Gonzalez et al., Neuron 2016; Yin et al., Cell Reports 2017; and Lopez Gonzalez et al., PNAS 2019.
We are looking for a candidate with a doctorate degreeorvisiting scholar in the field of neurosciences, biomedical sciences, or related fields with a strong background in human iPSCs, neuronal and brain organoid differentiation.
Preferably, with experience in epigenetics, molecular biology, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq. Then successful candidate is expected to have good communication skills, be a team player, with exceptional organizational skills and critical thinking aptitude.
To apply please send a CV, cover letter with a brief description of current and future research interests, publications and names and contact details from three references.