发布时间:2018-01-03 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2071次
项目:计算机科学硕士专业【Master of Science in Computer Science(MSCS)】
纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校计算机科学系(Department of Computer Science)研究生开设有MS和PhD两种学位项目。MS项目要求申请者具备与计算机科学或相关专业本科背景,此外,申请者还需具备部分前置课程要求,包括:算法与数据结构(Algorithms and data structures)、计算组织与架构(Computer organization and architecture)、操作系统(Operating systems)、程序语言(Programming languages)、离散数学(Discrete mathematics)。
计算机系统(Computer Systems)
高级实时计算实验室(Advanced Real-Time Computing Laboratory)
计算机系统架构与低功耗研究(Computer Architecture and Low Power Research Group)
计算机系统研究(Computer Systems Research Group)
计算机辅助设计研究(VLSI Computer Aided Design Research Group)
图形、图像视觉处理(Graphics, Image Processing, and Vision)
图形与图像计算实验室(Graphics and Image Computing (GAIC) Laboratory)
多媒体研究实验室(Multimedia Research Laboratory)
信息系统(Information Systems)
数据挖掘研究实验室(Data Mining Research Laboratory)
数据库与信息检索实验室(Database and Information Retrieval Laboratory)
网络与分布式系统(Networking and Distributed Systems)
网格计算研究实验室(Grid Computing Research Laboratory)
网络与并行处理实验室(Networking and Parallel Processing Lab)
操作系统与网络实验室(Operating Systems and Networks Lab)
安全与验证研究实验室(Security and Verification Research Laboratory)
安全系统与软件(Secure Systems and Software)
•CS 520 Computer Organization and Architecture (offered in fall semester)
•CS 550 Operating Systems (offered in spring semester)
•CS 571 Programming Languages (offered in fall semester)
•CS 575 Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms (offered in spring semester)
•CS 527 Mobile Computing and Networking
•CS 528 Data Comm and Computer Networks
•CS 529 High Performance Computer Networks
•CS 540 Topics in Object-Oriented Programming
•CS 542 Design Patterns
•CS 547 Web Services & XML Programming
•CS 551 Systems Programming
•CS 553 Introduction to Grid Computing
•CS 554 Introduction to Real-time Embedded Systems (must complete the project option)
•CS 555 Introduction to Visual Information Processing
•CS 557 Introduction to Distributed Systems
•CS 558 Introduction to Computer Security (must complete the project option)
•CS 560 Computer Graphics
•CS 572 Compiler Construction
•CS 576 Programming Models for Emerging Platforms (must complete the project option)
•CS 622 Advanced Computer Architecture Seminar
•CS 634 Web Data Management (must complete the project option)
•CS 654 Distributed Systems
★成绩单Official transcript(s)
★个人陈述A statement of personal academic goals
★ GRE数学最低需达到155分。
★ 两封推荐信Two letters of recommendation
★ 个人简历:不超过2页