
发布时间:2017-11-10    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:2770次

  Georgetown University 地处D.C. 建校于1789年,历史悠久,2016年U.S.NEWS综合排名21位,公共事务学院排名全美23位。由于距离白宫很近,乔治城成为了很多外国使节子女的选择。MPP项目所在学院McCourt School of Public Policy (MSPP) 的前身是Georgetown Public Policy Institute (GPPI),2013年10月因为校友Frank McCourt捐赠而更名(此人主要是做房地产的,捐赠了1亿美元)。


  *Master of Public Policy (MPP)

  *Master of International Development Policy (MIDP)

  *Master of Policy Management (MPM)-Mid-Career

  *Executive Master of Policy Leadership (EMPL)(为有七年以上工作经验的行业佼佼者提供管理和领导能力训练)

  *Dual Degree Programs(同时学习公共管理和其他各种专业,获得MPP和其他各种学位,包括PhD in Government、PhD in Psychology、Master of Arts in German and European Studies )

  *Executive & Professional Education-无学位

  *International Programs(与国际大学合作的项目,比如与日内瓦大学的双学位项目,与新加坡国立大学的李光耀公共政策学院的合办项目)



  Economics (6 credits)

  •PPOL 506: Intermediate Microeconomics (3 credits)

  •PPOL 507: Microeconomics II (3 credits)

  Quantitative Methods (9 credits)

  •PPOL 501: Statistical Methods for Policy Analysis (3 credits)

  •PPOL 502: Regression Methods for Policy Analysis (3 credits)

  •PPOL 503: Advanced Regression and Program Evaluation Methods (3 credits)

  Political Institutions and Process (9 credits)

  For each of the required courses, students may choose either a U.S. domestic focus or comparative international focus.

  •PPOL 510: Public Policy Process; or PPOL 511: Comparative Policy Process (3 credits)

  •PPOL 518: Ethics, Values and Public Policy; or PPOL 519: Ethics in a Globalized World (3 credits)

  •PPOL 514: Public Management; or PPOL 515: Comparative Public Management (3 credits)


  U.S. Domestic Economic Policy

  International Economic Policy

  Education Policy

  Environmental & Regulatory Policy

  Health Policy

  Homeland Security Policy

  Development Policy

  Management & Leadership


  Political Strategy and Governance

  Social Policy


  •Bachelor’s degree (or international equivalent) required.

  •Previous coursework in Microeconomics is required.

  •Some coursework in college-level pre-calculus or calculus preferred.

  对于工作经验,学校给的说法是不要求,但是强烈推荐而且在申请的过程中会有参考价值。除了常规的申请材料之外,MSPP还建议学生参与一个面试,面试的形式可以是information session,也可以是网络面试,也可以是面谈,还有可能是书面提交短文的形式进行。

  以2016届的入校学生情况来看,他们的平均GPA是3.58,GRE语文平均159分,数学平均160分,写作4.2分,平均托福成绩达到了109分。2016年MSPP收到1011份申请,而最后只有139人拿到录取并且确定就读,男女比例大概四六开。总的来说,乔治城的申请人数众多,竞争大,要求也比较高,所以申请的难度也是比较大的。而在这一百多个千挑万选出来的offer holder中,每年只有5个能拿到Fellowship,拿奖的难度也比较大。MSPP每学年的学费大约在47,754美元。


  • 2023年至领留学名校录取榜
  • 2022年至领留学名校录取榜
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