发布时间:2017-10-13 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2188次
Harvard University
两个学位:Master in Architecture I (March I)为非建筑背景和Master in Architecture II (March II)要求5年建筑本科学位。
Yale University
三个学位:M.Arch I-3 years;M.Arch.II-2 years;Master of Environmental Design(MED)is a History/Theory Research-Based Program,无须专业背景。
四个Degree:Master of Architecture (MArch) ;Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)为已有建筑学位证或对专业建筑感兴趣;Master of Science in Building Technology (SMBT) 学习建筑物的前沿技术,与土木工程学院联办; Master of Science in Art Culture and Technology (SMACT)更偏重艺术。
Columbia University
Master of Architecture-3years;Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design-3 terms为已有建筑本科或硕士学位申请者深入学习; Masters of Science in Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices in Architecture (CCCPArch)-2years。
Cornell University
M.Arch1-professional degree,3 年半,;M.Arch2-postprofessional degree,3 学期,为已有 B.Arch. 或
first-professional M.Arch.申请者。
University of Pennsylvania
该校建筑学院提供很多国家交流的机会,例如最近组织的伦敦交流一学期和巴黎或东京的夏令营。四个学位:Master of Architecture(M.ARCH)-3 years;Master of Architecture(M.ARCHII)-1 year,2 semesters;Master of Science in Architecture-1 year, 3 semesters为已有5年建筑学位学习者提高理论水平;Master in Environmental Building Design (MEBD) -1 year偏可持续设计。
University of California-Los Angeles
M.Arch1-3 year;M.Arch2-1 year;Master of Arts in Architecture-2 year偏研究
Rice University
School of Architecture设置有3个硕士项目:Master of Architecture Option1, Master of Architecture Option 2和Master of Architecture Present Futures。前两者是professional degree,NAAB认证项目,后者是research-focused, non-professional degree。Option 1 时长7学期,为没有或本科建筑背景不足的申请者准备;Option 2 时长5学期,为本科是建筑学背景的申请者准备。Present Futures时长3学期。
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master of Architecture,2年,供NAAB认可的4年本科建筑过相关专业申请者,同时,该项目也接受本科非建
筑或不受NAAB认可的学位的申请,只是需要4年学习来完成学位。Master of Science in Architectural Studies,1年,需要B.Arch or M.Arch。
Southern California Institute of Architecture
一所私立建筑学院,位于加州洛杉矶。M.Arch1-3years (7 terms); M.Arch2-2years (5 terms)
Rhode Island School of Design
建筑学院只提供一个3年的Master of Architecture,并不歧视本科非建筑专业的申请。作为艺术学院中的大牛,学校的Research很广泛,虽不要求GRE,T93以上就可以申请,但是对作品集的质量要求特别高。其他设计相关Degree
University of California Berkeley
Master of Science (M.S.) in Architecture建议非本专业申请;Master of Architecture,已有5年建筑本科选1年的学习,4年建筑或非建筑选2年学习,4年任何其他专业选3年学习。
Parsons the New School for Design
该学院在艺术院校综合排名中TOP3。Master of Architecture,3年
Pratt Institute
普瑞特艺术学院是一所艺术造诣很高的学院,艺术类综合排名常年在TOP15。建议更偏重设计学习的建筑申请者申请。提供两个建筑学硕士学位:The first-professional Master of Architecture (M. Arch) 是三年学习,为本科非建筑专业准备; The post-professional Master of Science, Architecture (M.S. Arch) 是三学期(夏,秋,春),为5年建筑学专业申请者准备。
A档:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
建筑专排第一的牛校,从录取案例上来看,学校对于硬件分数卡的不是那么严格,相对来说更看重作品集的质量。2 year-Master of Architecture建筑或相关专业本科均可申请;Master of Science in Architecture 要求本科建筑专业或硕士相关专业。
Master of Architecture
University of Southern California
Master of Architecture,2年,需本科四年建筑或相关专业;Master of Advanced Architecture,1.5年,需本科5年建筑专业
University of Texas at Austin
Master of Architecture (first professional)- M.Arch. I,无专业背景要求;Master of Architecture (post-professional)- M.Arch. II,要求5年建筑本科
Syracuse University
M.Arch1;M.Arch2 Research-2 semester
B档:Washington University in St. Louis
Master of Architecture为建筑或非建筑背景申请者,学习时长取决于申请者自身条件,MArch 3是基础专业学习,建议有很强建筑背景(5年建筑本科)的学习者选择MArch 2 (4 semesters)或 MArch (5semesters)
University of Miami
Master of Architecture I – (3-year);Master of Architecture II – (2-year); B.S.A.E./M.ARCH – (6-year) 类似于本硕连读,本科三年级可以申请
Texas A&M University
100年历史的Master of Architecture-2year为非建筑背景;1991年开设Master of Science in Architecture 注重研究,为PhD学习做准备。招人较多,对国际学生友好的学校,值得推荐。
Clemson University
Master of Architecture (M. Arch.)两个track:2 年为有建筑背景和3 年为非建筑背景;Master of Science in Architecture-1 year偏研究,不是建筑师职业资格证要求的学位。
University of Florida
Master of Architecture有两个Tracks: Two-year curriculum为建筑本科,One-year curriculum为5年建筑本科或硕士学位;Master of Architecture Core有两个Tracks:Four-year curriculum为非建筑本科,Three-year curriculum为建筑设计相关本科;Master of Science in Architectural Studies (M.S.A.S) –three semesters为任何专业背景。
University of Virginia
Master of Architecture (Path A),最少3年完成,不要求建筑专业学位;Master of Architecture (Path B)要求至少4年本科建筑;Master of Architecture (Path C)要求NAAB 认证的professional degree in architecture,即5年的建筑本科或M.Arch
Northeastern University
M.Arch 1 Year Program为本校5年制本科建筑专业毕业生;M.Arch 2 Year Program为从其他学校获得BS in Architecture (or equivalent)的申请者;M.Arch 3 Year Program本科非建筑专业
SUNY – Buffalo
M.Arch-2 year;M.Arch-3 1/2 year;还有双学位项目Master's in Architecture/Master's in Business Administration,Master of Architecture/Master of Fine Arts,Master of Architecture/Master of Urban Planning
University of Illinois – Chicago
Master of Architecture (MArch),3年,为建筑或非建筑本科,只秋季招生;Master of Science in Architecture,1年,偏前沿技术,理论和评论,为已有 5年建筑学位,只夏季学期招生;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
4个建筑学硕士项目:Master of Architecture (Professional), 也就是M.Arch I ,NAAB认证项目,本科为人文科学、设计或工程类专业的申请者要申请3年半的M.Arch I,本科为建筑学的申请者可以申请2年的M.Arch I;Master of Architecture II – Geofutures (Post Professional Program in Architecture and Urbanism),两学期的项目,为已经有Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture学位的申请者;Master of Architecture II – Environmental Parametrics (Post Professional Degree Program in Architecture),为本科为建筑学背景的申请者准备;Master of Science in Architectural Sciences,此学位为有意进修博士学位的台阶,学术性很强。
University of Cincinnati- Main Campus
该校综合排名靠后,但是建筑专业排名第7,值得推荐。Master of Architecture有两个Tracks:M.Arch1为非建筑专业;M.Arch2为建筑专业本科。 Master of Science in Architecture是Post-professional Degree,要求有Professional Degree in Architecture,即5年的NAAB认可的建筑本科学位或对建筑理论有深厚的背景。
North Carolina State University-Raleigh
Master of Architecture有3个track: Track One-2years,4年建筑或相关本科;Track Two-3 terms,5年建筑专业学士学位;Track Three- three semesters of preparatory work before entering the final two-year program of graduate study,本科非建筑专业
Illinois Institute of Technology
Master of Architecture-3years,Master of Architecture with Advanced Standing有基础的可以两年;Master of Science in Architecture-1year 为有建筑本科申请者;Dual Degree Master of Architecture/Master of Integrated Building Delivery为从艺术转建筑
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
综排不好,专排35的学校。Master of Architecture (M. Arch) 根据学术背景分为2年(pre-professional degree + 60 graduate credits)和3.5年(non-pre-professional degree + 102 credits)