
发布时间:2017-09-11    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:3338次

麻省理工学院Master of Science in Transportation (M.S.T.) 跨学科交通工程理学硕士项目强调交通的复杂性及其依赖的交互技术,操作、规划、管理和决策。出于这个原因,M.S.T项目是跨学科的。M.S.T项目检验所有运输的主要形式,包括客运和货运系统、以及本地、地区和国际的水平不断增长的交通系统需求。


  MIT的Department of Civil & Environment Engineering 下开设了2个项目,分别是Master of Science in Transportation (M.S.T.)和Doctoral Program in Transportation。我们在本文中主要为大家解答MST硕士专业。

  Master of Science in Transportation (M.S.T.) 跨学科交通工程理学硕士项目


  在超过七十亿人居住的世界,航空,铁路和公路运输系统面临着巨大的压力,所以用新的方法计划,管理,设计未来的交通系统的需求是很明确的。这就是M.S.T 项目的学生去填补这个需求。研究的关键在于项目的教师和学生必须一起紧密合作解决运输系统中出现的问题。

  超过一半的M.S.T的毕业生继续争取另一个研究生学位。大多数人进修本专业 Ph.D.项目,一些人会进行其他领域的研究,例如商业或者法律。大多数校友在交通行业获得管理职位。


  Air Transportation 航空运输:

  16.71J The Airline Industry (1.232,15.054,ESD.217)

  16.72 Air Traffic Control

  16.75J Airline Management (1.234)

  16.763J Air Transportation Operations Research (1.233J)

  16.781J Planning and Design of Airport Systems (1.231, ESD.224)

  Analysis and Planning Methods 分析和规划方法:

  1.202J Demand Modeling (ESD.212)

  1.203J Logistical & Transportation Planning Methods (6.281, 15.073, 16.76, ESD.216)

  1.205J Advanced Demand Modeling (ESD.213)

  Data Sciences for Transportation 运输的数据科学:

  1.204 Computer Modeling: From Human Mobility to Transportation Networks

  6.268 (T)Network Science and Models

  11.205 Introduction to Spatial Analysis

  15.060 Data, Models, and Decisions

  15.077J Statistical Learning and Data Mining

  15.082 Network Optimization (6.855, ESD.78)

  Intelligent Transportation Systems, Safety and Security智能交通系统

  1.208 Resilient Infrastructure Networks

  6.805J Foundations of Information Policy

  16.413 (T) Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

  16.422J (T) Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems

  ESD.863J System Safety Concepts

  16.412 (T) Cognitive Robotics

  16.413 (T) Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

  Logistics and Supply Chain Management 物流和供应链管理:

  1.203J Logistical & Transportation Planning Methods (6.281, 15.073, 16.76, ESD.216)

  1.260J Logistics Systems (15.770, ESD.260)

  1.261J Case Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (15.771, ESD.261)

  1.265J International Supply Chain Management (2.965J, 15.765, ESD.265)

  1.270J Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ESD.273)

  ESD.266 Freight Transportation

  Transportation Planning, Policy and Sustainability运输规划、政策和可持续发展

  1.253J Transportation Policy and Environmental Limits (11.543, ESD.222)

  1.817 Planning, Participation and Consensus Building for Sustainable Development

  2.65J (T) Sustainable Energy

  11.478 (P) Behavior and Policy: Connections in Transportation

  11.527 Advanced Seminar in Transportation Finance

  ESD.132J Law, Technology, and Public Policy (15.655)

  ESD.133J Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics: Pollution Prevention and Control (1.811, 11.630)

  HUT 251 (P) Transportation Policy and Planning (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard)

  Urban Transportation 城市交通:

  1.251J (P) Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning (11.526J)

  1.252J (P) Urban Transportation Planning (11.540, ESD.225)

  1.254 Transport Modeling Course

  1.258J Public Transportation Systems (11.541, ESD.226)

  1.283J (P) Cities and Regions: Urban Economics and Public Policy (11.410, 14.573, ESD.191)

  11.S956 (P) Mobility Management in China: Transportation Research Seminar

  注:(T) – Indicates subject satisfies Technology requirement;(P) – Indicates subject satisfies Policy requirement

  2. Dual Degree Opportunities

  学院提供双学位机会,M.S.T 和The Master of Science in the Technology and Policy Program, The Master of Science in Operations Research, The Master of City Planning中的任一个。对于想要申请双学位的学生,需要各自申请每个项目。录取后,学生需要提出申请,表明想要修读双学位的意愿,并提交满足各项目要求的课程计划。请愿书需在研究生院长、各项目代表签字后方可通过。毕业论文需要与两各项目均相关。



  先修课:要求修过与calculus 相关的2个subjects,分别有1门与economics 和probability相关的课程。在正式的MST项目学习之前,需要完成与18.01 and 18.02 in calculus; 14.01 in microeconomics and either 6.041 or 1.010 in probability/statistics相同或等同的课程。如果申请者未满足这些课程,可以选择提前在summer完成,但是需要提前告知学校此打算。


  TOEFL/IELTS: 100/7.5

  funding 奖助学金



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