发布时间:2016-12-28 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2476次
项目:会计硕士专业【MS in Accounting】
佩斯大学会计专业开设在Lubin School of Business商学院下面,主要开设两个会计专业的硕士,均可参加CPA考试。一个MBA下的会计专业Accounting-CPA Preparation,没有会计背景的学生也可以申请。此课程在教授学生基本会计理念的同时,也教会学生最新的会计行业的技术,解决在会计实践中的各种问题,并为学生提供在跨国企业中实习的机会。此课程还为学生准备CPA考试(纽约州)。另一个,MS下的会计学Accounting-CPA Preparation, MS 可在1-1.5年的时间修完。对于语言和GMAT成绩不高的学生,该校提供有条件录取。这里主要介绍后者。
MBA and MS degree programs $1,195 per credit。
A minimum of 30 resident credits at Pace is required to receive the MS in Accounting degree (A + B + C ≥ 30).佩斯大学会计硕士需要至少修满30个学分。
BUS 043 Business Writing-0 credits
MBA 640 Accounting for Decision Making-4 credits
MBA 644 Macroeconomics in the Global Environment-3 credits
MBA 646 Data Analysis for Decision Making-3 credits
MBA 648 Managerial Finance-3 credits
TAX 503 Fundamental Concepts of Taxation-2 credits
TAX 504 Sales and Exchanges of Property-2 credits
LAW 610 Business Law for CPA Majors-4 credits
ACC 662 Modeling of Accounting Information Systems-3 credits
ACC 613 Accounting for Planning and Control-4 credits
ACC 615 Financial Reporting I-3 credits
ACC 618 Financial Reporting II-3 credits
ACC 620 Accounting Entities-3 credits
ACC 632 Auditing-3 credits
ACC 635 Advanced Auditing Practices-2 credits
ACC 649 Contemporary Accounting Issues-3 credits
ACC 692Q Research Project-3 credits
TAX 612 Taxation of Entities for Accountants-3 credits
ACC 638 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination-3 credits
ACC 645 Theory and Analysis of Financial Statements-3 credits
ACC 675 International Accounting-3 credits
ACC 681 Financial Reporting and Capital Markets-3 credits
ACC 600 Independent Study in Graduate Accounting--1-9 credits
TAX 625 Tax Practice, Procedure and Research-3 credits
FIN 647 Advanced Corporate Finance-3 credits
★成绩单official transcripts from all colleges and universities they have attended
★个人陈述a personal statement
★ GRE成绩或GMAT成绩a GMAT or GRE score report
★ 两封推荐信two recommendationsn
★ 简历Resume