
发布时间:2016-11-22    文章来源: 互联网    点击:2600次

  西雅图大学(Seattle University)位于西雅图郊区( 西雅图国会大厦的一片秋林地区),始建于1891年,是全美28所基督教会设立的大学之一,也是美国西北太平洋地区最大的一所独立大学。在校本科生和研究生已超过7,200名,分别在大学的8所学院学习。 下文,小编为你带来西雅图大学会计专业MPA的详细介绍。

  西雅图大学(Seattle University)位于西雅图郊区( 西雅图国会大厦的一片秋林地区),始建于1891年,是全美28所基督教会设立的大学之一,也是美国西北太平洋地区最大的一所独立大学。在校本科生和研究生已超过7,200名,分别在大学的8所学院学习。 下文,小编为你带来西雅图大学会计专业MPA的详细介绍。

  会计硕士【Master of Professional Accounting(MPA)】


  Part-time MPAC students taking two courses per quarter can complete the program in 2 to 4 years.

  Full-time MPAC students taking 4 courses per quarter can complete the program in 1 to 2 years.西雅图大学职业会计全职项目每学期修4门课程,1-2年内修完。兼职项目为期2-4年,每学期修2门课程。

  Full-time students ordinarily complete the Master of Professional Accounting degree in a minimum of two years. MPAC students must demonstrate computer and math proficiency and complete nine business and six accounting fundamental business classes, or they may seek to have some or all of those courses waived. In addition to the prerequisites, students in the Master of Professional Accounting program must complete 46 credits of course work in designated areas, including eleven required courses and four electives.


  The average credit load per quarter is 3 credits for part-time students and 6-9 credits for full-time students.

  Application, graduate and non-matriculated $55

  Matriculation (one time only fee) $150

  Student Health Fee: $1,271.26

  Business: $800


  Minimum credits required for degree: 46-88

  The MPAC degree requires 46 graduate credit hours (14 three-credit courses and 1 four-credit course) beyond the undergraduate degree and any of the basic business and accounting prerequisites.

  I. Preparatory Course Work

  II. Fundamental Business Courses

  ACCT 5030 Financial Accounting* 3

  ACCT 5040 Managerial Accounting/Information for Decision Making* 3

  MBA 5120 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility* 3

  ECON 5000 Introductory Business Statistics** 3

  ECON 5100 Statistical Applications and Quantitative Methods** 3

  ECON 5110 The Domestic and Global Economies** 3

  ECON 5105 Managerial Economics** 3

  FINC 5000 Managerial Finance** 3

  MBA 5130 Legal and Regulatory Environment** 3

  III. Fundamental Accounting Requirements

  ACCT 5110 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 3

  ACCT 5120 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 3

  ACCT 5130 Managerial Cost Accounting 3

  ACCT 5140 Auditing I 3

  ACCT 5150 Federal Taxation I 3

  IV. Management and Technical Core

  MBA 5100 Leadership Skills and Team Development 4

  ACCT 5210 Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation 3

  ACCT 5230 Strategic Management Accounting 3

  ACCT 5380 General Systems and Process Thinking 3

  FINC 5100 Investments 3

  MGMT 5380 Negotiation Skills 3

  V. Other Required Accounting Courses

  ACCT 5310 Internal Auditing 3

  ACCT 5330 Advanced Financial Accounting 3

  ACCT 5340 Auditing II 3

  ACCT 5350 Advanced Federal Income Tax II 3

  ACCT 5390 Not-For-Profit Accounting 3

  VI. General Electives

  Choose any 5 graduate business courses* 15


  International Students

  Fall: Apr.1

  Winter: Sep. 1

  Spring: Dec. 1

  Summer: Jan. 1


  成绩单Copy of Official Transcript(s)

  标准化成绩Standardized test scores:



  申请费Application fee: $55

  Student Profile

  GPA Average*: 3.32

  Average GMAT:608

  Range of work experience: 0-18

  Average year of work experience: 1.5

      ★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例! 












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