发布时间:2016-11-11 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:3141次
加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称伯克利(Cal),位于美国旧金山湾区伯克利市,是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉,位列2016年ARWU世界大学学术排名世界第3 、usnews世界大学排名世界第4 。伯克利是加州大学的创始校区,也是美国最自由、最包容的大学之一;该校学生于1964年发起的“言论自由运动”在美国社会产生了深远影响 ,改变了几代人对政治和道德的看法。伯克利还是世界上最重要的研究教学中心之一 ,ARWU理科排名世界第1 、工程及计算机均排名世界第3 、人文社科也长期位列世界前5 ,与旧金山南湾的斯坦福大学共同构成了美国西部的学术中心。今天,金东方留学小编跟同学们讲解加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程专业相关概况,有兴趣的同学不妨来了解下。
1. Overview 加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程专业简介
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has fifty full-timefaculty members and twenty-two staff dedicated to the education of more than400 undergraduate students and 360 graduate students. The education in thedepartment prepares students for leadership in the profession of civil andenvironmental engineering. Career opportunities are very strong because of themany pressing needs to improve and expand the infrastructure and protect theenvironment. Approximately one-quarter of our undergraduates pursue graduateeducation, one of the highest proportions in the College of Engineering.
The CEE laboratories for teaching and research are among the best in thenation, providing opportunities for hands-on experience for all students. Inthe San Francisco Bay Area, there are incomparable opportunities for studentsto experience ground-breaking local civil and environmental engineeringprojects and participate in professional activities.
Civil Engineering and Mining Building, located on the east sideof what is now the Campanile Esplanade (about 400 ft. north and 650 ft. east ofSouth Hall)
2. Strategic Vision 加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程专业就业前景
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at UC Berkeleyis a worldwide leader in developing engineering solutions to societal-scalechallenges. The Department conducts cutting-edge research, in evolving andvital areas that address societal needs for well-designed and well-operatedbuildings, energy, transportation, and water systems. These critical systemsmust be reliable and resilient in the face of hazards such as earthquakes andflooding. Extensive efforts will be needed to adapt civil infrastructure towithstand adverse changes in weather and climate. Our research and teachingserve the needs of a growing and increasingly urban world population thatrequires sustainable improvements in standards of living.
CEE research establishes and advances the intellectual foundations of newfields of study. We develop theory and improve understanding, and provide toolsand techniques for solving important new problems. Educational activities ofthe Department focus on developing future leaders in the engineeringprofession, in academia, and in the broader societal context. Throughindividual and collective efforts, the Department serves the needs of ourCollege and University, and provides technical expertise and service to otherpublic, private, and professional entities.
The Department is a place of intellectual vitality and diversity in whichall students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity and the impetus toachieve their highest potential. Signs of this vitality and diversity are seenin innovative research conducted by students and faculty; creative, flexible,adaptable, and forward-looking curricula; outstanding classroom teaching;attentive academic mentoring; and a shared sense of a community that isinclusive and respectful of all members. We are proud of our contributions tothe public mission of the University of California, as demonstrated for exampleby our role in providing access to higher education for students from low andmiddle-income families.
Engineering Materials Laboratory (Davis Hall now occupies itssite.) When the Engineering Building (now McLaughlin Hall) was completed in1931, most of the CE faculty moved there.
3. National Ranking 加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程专业排名情况
CEE is widely acknowledged to be a nationaland international leader. In its latest rankings, US News and World Report has ranked all ofCEE's graduate and undergraduate programs #1.
CEE’s civil engineering graduate program and itsenvironmental engineering program are #1 in the country for 2015. Civil Engineering has been in the top 2 for 13 years ina row and Environmental Engineering has been in the #1 spot for the past 7years.
加州大学伯克利分校的土木和环境工程系在美国长期以来是首屈一指的。在最新的美国US News and World Report的专业排名中,加州伯克利的土木工程和环境工程均排名第一。这里需要说明的是该校的环境工程学院连续7年排名美国第一,而土木工程更是长达13年占据全美第二的位置。
★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例!