发布时间:2016-11-09 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2330次
Communications Engineering通常是EE专业的一个分支,很多资料普遍研究的是EE的就业与薪酬,而没有单独细分通信方向的就业数据。现在留学专家主要介绍Engineering Technicians这个岗位的就业与薪酬情况,以下内容有EE各方向的薪酬概况。(Wired telecommunications carriers这个行业属大部分通信专业首选)
Engineering Technicians工程技术人员
·Electrical and electronic engineering technicians make up 33 percent of all engineering technicians. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians help design, develop, test, andmanufacture electrical and electronic equipment such as communication equipment; radar, industrial, and medical monitoring or control devices; navigational equipment; and computers.
Median annual earnings in May 2006 of engineering technicians by specialty are shown in the following tabulation.
· Aerospace engineering and operations technicians $53,300
· Electrical and electronic engineering technicians $50,660
· Industrial engineering technicians $46,810
· Mechanical engineering technicians $45,850
· Electro-mechanical technicians $44,720
· Civil engineering technicians $40,560
· Environmental engineering technicians $40,560
Median annual earnings of wage-and-salary electrical and electronics engineering technicians were $50,660 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $39,270 and $60,470. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $30,120, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $73,200. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of electrical and electronics engineering technicians are:
· Wired telecommunications carriers $54,780
· Engineering services $48,330
· Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing $45,720
· Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing $45,140
· Employment services $38,910
以上就是美国EE专业之通信工程就业方向及薪酬介绍,希望能给有去美国留学计划的同学有所帮助, 如果您还有什么关于留学的问题或疑问,欢迎与金东方留学在线留学专家进行咨询,一定会为您做最详细的解答。欢迎拨打免费咨询热线:400—6989511
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