发布时间:2016-10-19 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:3276次
卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)是一所研究型私立大学。该校位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡。1967年由卡内基理工学院和梅隆工业研究所合并成立。该校拥有全美第一所计算机学院和戏剧学院,该校的艺术学院,商学院,工学院、公共管理学院以及计算机、心理学、统计学、应用数学、决策科学、计算生物学等都在全美名列前茅。今天,金东方留学小编为大家介绍卡耐基梅隆大学传媒专业的相关信息,有需要的小伙伴们快来围观吧!
卡耐基梅隆大学没有独立的传媒学院,在这里提一下这几个项目:Professional Writing (Master of Arts in Professional Writing)、Rhetoric (Master of Arts in Rhetoric、PhD in Rhetoric)和Communication Planning and Information Design [Master of Design (MDes) in Communication Planning and Information Design(CPID)]开设在人类学与社会科学学院的英语系下。
Elective Options:
·Writing for New Media
·Writing for Print Media (including Journalism)
·Technical Writing
·Science & Healthcare Communication
·Public & Media Relations / Corporate Communication
·Editing & Publishing
·Policy & Non-Profit Communication
·Investigative Journalism
Core Course:
·Professional & Technical Writing
·Rhetorical Grammar
·Communication Design Fundamentals
·Document Design
·Organizational Management
Degree Requirements:
12 courses (至少39 credits) = 6 Core Courses + 6 Electives + 1 one-credit Professional Seminar + 1 required internship
值得注意的是,参加该项目的学生也可以再选择其与University of Strathclyde in Scotland联合开设的MLitt in Investigative Journalism (Investigative Journalism option)项目。不过,若参加此项目,则须多读1学期。
·1 PS+1 CV+3 RL+2~4 Writing Samples(建议2500字以内)。
·申请截止日期:rolling;2月1日(full consideration for financial aid)
·All materials should be received by the English Department by February 1.
该MA项目有两个方向可供学生选择: Discourse Studies 和Intercultural Rhetoric。通常在2 semesters可完成。它既接收full-time学生,也接收part-time学生。学生需要完成24 credit hours,其中18个必须为受Director of Rhetoric认可的rhetoric courses。
Among the Rhetoric courses offered regularly are these:
·Literacy: Educational Theory and Community Practice
·Rhetoric of Science
·Rhetoric and Public Policy
·Comparative Rhetoric
·Language and Culture
·The History, Theory, and Practice of Writing Instruction
·Topics in Language Study
·History of Rhetoric
·Research Seminar in Rhetoric
·Discourse Analysis
·Process of Reading and Writing
·Narrative & Argument
·1 PS+1 CV+3 RL+1 Writing Samples(10页以内)。
·申请截止日期:rolling;2月1日(full consideration for financial aid)All materials should be received by the English Department by January 15 for PhD applicants and February 1 for MA applicants.
·Graduate Design Seminar I: Design and Human Experience
·Graduate Design Seminar II: Topics in Communication Design
·Narrative and Argument
·Graduate Design Studio I: Visualizing Complex Information
·Graduate Design Studio II: Graduate Design Project
·Graduate Prototyping
·Graduate Colloquium
·Research Methods: Human-Centered Design
4.截止日期:2月15日(test scores也必须在这2月15日前送达至学校)
以上就是卡耐基梅隆大学传媒专业申请解析,希望能给有去美国留学计划的同学有所帮助, 如果您还有什么关于留学的问题或疑问,欢迎与金东方留学在线留学专家进行咨询,一定会为您做最详细的解答。欢迎拨打免费咨询热线:400—6989511
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