发布时间:2016-09-19 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2077次
美国TFE Times公布了2016年美国大学会计专业排名,此次排名都有哪些学校上榜呢?我们一起来看看具体的TFE Times美国大学会计专业排名。
排名 |
学校及专业解读 |
学校 |
项目名称 |
1 |
范德堡大学 |
Vanderbilt University |
Master of Accounting |
2 |
南加州大学 |
University of Southern California |
Master of Accounting |
3 |
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Master of Accounting |
4 |
圣母大学 |
University of Notre Dame |
Master of Accounting |
5 |
罗彻斯特大学 |
University of Rochester |
Master of Accounting |
6 |
凯斯西储大学 |
Case Western Reserve University |
Master of Accounting |
7 |
密歇根大学 |
University of Michigan |
Master of Accounting |
8 |
弗吉尼亚大学 |
University of Virginia |
Master of Accounting |
9 |
亚利桑那州立大学 |
Arizona State University |
Master of Accounting |
10 |
波士顿学院 |
Boston College |
Master of Accounting |
11 |
明尼苏达大学 |
University of Minnesota |
Master of Accounting |
12 |
维克森林大学 |
Wake Forest University |
Master of Accounting |
13 |
马里兰大学 |
University of Maryland |
Master of Accounting |
14 |
杜兰大学 |
Tulane University |
Master of Accounting |
15 |
理海大学 |
Lehigh University |
Master of Accounting & Information Analysis |
16 |
北卡罗来纳大学 |
University of North Carolina |
Master of Accounting |
17 |
威廉玛丽学院 |
William & Mary |
Master of Accounting |
18 |
维拉诺瓦大学 |
Villanova University |
Master of Accounting |
19 |
德州大学奥斯汀分校 |
University of Texas - Austin |
Master of Accounting |
20 |
杨百翰大学 |
Brigham Young University |
Master of Accounting |
21 |
佛罗里达大学 |
University of Florida |
Master of Accounting |
22 |
匹茨堡大学 |
University of Pittsburgh |
Master of Accounting |
23 |
加州大学戴维斯分校 |
University of California - Davis |
Master of Professional Accountancy |
24 |
宾州州立大学 |
Pennsylvania State University |
Master of Accounting |
25 |
巴鲁克学院 |
Baruch College |
Master of Accounting |
26 |
洛约拉大学芝加哥分校 |
Loyola University - Chicago |
Master of Accounting |
27 |
佐治亚大学 |
University of Georgia |
Master of Accounting |
28 |
康涅狄格大学 |
University of Connecticut |
Master of Accounting |
29 |
加州理工州立大学 |
Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo |
Master of Accounting |
30 |
北卡罗来纳州立大学 |
North Carolina State University |
Master of Accounting |
31 |
普渡大学 |
Purdue University |
Master of Accounting |
32 |
University of Missouri - Kansas City
Master of Accounting |
42 |
叶史瓦大学 |
Yeshiva University |
Master of Accounting |
43 |
福特汉姆大学 |
Fordham University |
Master of Accounting |
44 |
北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 |
University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Master of Accounting |
45 |
美利坚大学 |
American University |
Master of Accounting |
46 |
克莱姆森大学 |
Clemson University |
Master of Accounting |
47 |
克拉克大学 |
Clark University |
Master of Accounting |
48 |
派帕代因大学 |
Pepperdine University |
Master of Accounting |
49 |
罗格斯大学 |
Rutgers University |
Master of Accounting |
50 |
贝勒大学 |
Baylor University |
Master of Accounting |
51 |
亚利桑那大学 |
University of Arizona |
Master of Accounting |
52 |
德州基督大学 |
Texas Christian University |
Master of Accounting |
53 |
马凯特大学 |
Marquette University |
Master of Accounting |
54 |
奥克拉荷马大学 |
University of Oklahoma |
Master of Accounting |
55 |
斯泰森大学 |
Stetson University |
Master of Accounting |
56 |
奥本大学 |
Auburn University |
Master of Accounting |
57 |
雪城大学 |
Syracuse University |
Master of Accounting |
58 |
阿拉巴马大学 |
University of Alabama |
Master of Accounting (Online) |
59 |
德保罗大学 |
DePaul University |
Master of Accounting |
60 |
贝尔蒙特大学 |
Belmont University |
Master of Accounting |
61 |
科罗拉多州立大学 |
Colorado State University |
Master of Accounting |
62 |
休斯顿大学 |
University of Houston |
Master of Accountancy & Taxation |
63 |
麻省大学洛威尔分校 |
University of Massachusetts - Lowell |
Master of Accounting |
64 |
圣地亚哥分校 |
University of San Diego |
Master of Accounting & Taxation |
65 |
圣路易斯分校 |
Saint Louis University |
Master of Accounting |
66 |
佛吉尼亚理工大学 |
Virginia Tech |
Master of Accounting & Information Services |
67 |
肯塔基大学 |
University of Kentucky |
Master of Accounting |
68 |
路易斯安娜州立大学 |
Louisiana State University |
Master of Accounting |
69 |
佐治亚学院 |
Georgia College |
Master of Accounting |
70 |
太平洋大学 |
University of Pacific |
Master of Accounting |
71 |
加州大学欧文分校 |
University of California - Irvine |
Master of Professional Accountancy |
72 |
本特利大学 |
Bentley University |
Master of Accounting |
73 |
麻省大学阿默斯特分校 |
University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Master of Accounting |
74 |
犹他大学 |
University of Utah |
Master of Accounting |
75 |
德雷克大学 |
Drake University |
Master of Accounting |
76 |
科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 |
University of Colorado - Denver |
Master of Accounting |
77 |
德州理工大学 |
Texas Tech University |
Master of Accounting |
78 |
奥克拉荷马州立大学 |
Oklahoma State University |
Master of Accounting |
79 |
犹他州立大学 |
Utah State University |
Master of Accounting |
80 |
德州大学阿灵顿分校 |
University of Texas - Arlington |
Master of Professional Accounting |
81 |
洛约拉大学马利蒙特校区 |
Loyola Marymount University |
Master of Accounting |
82 |
爱荷华州立大学 |
Iowa State University |
Master of Accounting |
83 |
德拉华大学 |
University of Delaware |
Master of Accounting |
84 |
肯特州立大学 |
Kent State University |
Master of Accounting |
85 |
坦帕大学 |
University of Tampa |
Master of Accounting |
86 |
麻省大学波士顿分校 |
University of Massachusetts - Boston |
Master of Accounting |
87 |
西佛吉尼亚大学 |
West Virginia University |
Master of Professional Accountancy |
88 |
萨福克大学 |
Suffolk University |
Master of Accounting |
89 |
哈特福德大学 |
Hartford University |
Master of Accounting and Taxation |
90 |
新墨西哥州立大学 |
New Mexico State University |
Master of Accounting |
91 |
圣托马斯大学 |
St. Thomas University |
Master of Accounting |
92 |
北伊利诺伊大学 |
Northern Illinois University |
Master of Accounting Science |
93 |
堪萨斯大学 |
University of Kansas |
Master of Accounting |
94 |
克里夫兰州立大学 |
Cleveland State University |
Master of Accounting |
95 |
查普曼大学 |
Chapman University |
Master of Accounting |
96 |
印第安纳大学 |
Indiana University |
Master of Accounting |
97 |
佛蒙特大学 |
University of Vermont |
Master of Accounting |
98 |
巴特勒大学 |
Butler University |
Master of Accounting |
99 |
佛罗里达州立大学 |
Florida State University |
Master of Accounting |
100 |
田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校 |
University of Tennessee - Knoxville |
Master of Accounting |
以上就是2016TFE Times美国大学会计专业排名,希望能给有去美国留学计划的同学有所帮助, 如果您还有什么关于美国留学的问题或疑问,欢迎与金东方留学在线留学专家进行咨询,一定会为您做最详细的解答。欢迎拨打免费咨询热线:400—6989511