发布时间:2016-09-02 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2450次
阿拉巴马大学The University of Alabama建立于1831年,是阿拉巴马州历史阿拉巴马大学最悠久的公立大学之一。 每年平均有来自全美各州及许多不同国家的19,000名学生就读于此。国际学生占了阿拉巴马大学学生人数的5%。学校以全美最美丽的校园之一和齐全的设备自豪,学校里有6个图书馆、9个计算机教室和现代化的娱乐休闲中心。
UA's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers dynamic programs for students interested in a traditional electrical engineering degree or those who desire a specialization in computer engineering. Electrical engineering students become immersed in at least two core areas of communications systems, computers, control systems, electromagnetics, electronics and microelectronics, power and energy systems, and signal processing. Students in the computer engineering option specialize in the software and hardware components of modern computing systems.
Electrical and computer engineering graduates have career opportunities in a number of industries and fields, such as computing, telecommunications, manufacturing, utilities, aerospace, automotive, military, medical and consumer products. Electrical and computer engineers also design and operate a wide array of complex technological systems, including power generation and distribution systems and modern computer-controlled manufacturing plants.
1、设备与材料Devices and Materials
2、机电系统Electromechanical Systems
3、嵌入式系统Embedded Systems
以上就是关于阿拉巴马大学电气工程硕士专业的相关介绍,希望能给有去美国留学计划的同学有所帮助, 如果您还有什么关于美国留学的问题或疑问,欢迎与金东方留学在线留学专家进行咨询,一定会为您做最详细的解答。
★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例!