
发布时间:2016-09-01    点击:2977次

今年杜克又开了一个新专业---Master of Quantitative Management(MQM),这个项目又怎么样呢?申请要求如何?申请时间是什么时候呢?
今年杜克又开了一个新专业---Master of Quantitative Management(MQM),这个项目又怎么样呢?申请要求如何?申请时间是什么时候呢?

杜克大学量化管理硕士项目Master of QuantitativeManagement 

背景:Fuqua Business School(Top 10 Business School), Duke University

地理位置:Durham,North Carolina


主攻方向:Finance 金融、Marketing 市场、Business Analytics 商业分析、Forensics 司法

Finance:  Analyze financial issues in business using theory and data to identify optimal capital structure or asset   pricing.

Marketing: Measure, manage, interpret, and discern customer behavior to maximize marketing ROI and assess    program effectiveness. 

Business Analytics: Understand, measure, and analyze data to enhance business processes and supply chain
logistics efficiencies.

Forensics: Investigate and resolve patterns of fraudulent activities, waste, and abuse to improve risk management and corporate governance.



Academic Aptitude and Quantitative Proficiency

The MQM program's academic environment is rigorous, fast-paced, and requires strong quantitative and analytical skills. We evaluate standardized test scores, transcripts, and applicable work experience to gauge an applicant's abi-lity to excel in the program. The Admissions Committee will pay particular attention to the quantitative segment of your test score. 

There are no pre-requisite courses for the MQM program, but you must have, or will earn, an undergraduate degree from a 4-year accredited college or university prior to starting the program. It should be in science, technology,  engineering, mathematics, business, economics or an equivalent quantitative major.





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