发布时间:2016-08-29 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2079次
加州大学戴维斯分校专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc):为期1年,属专业硕士项目,课程主要集中在审计、税务和财务报告、国际会计、道德和沟通。
加州戴维斯分校专业硕士学位完全符合2016年加州地区注册会计师的新要求: 那些希望在加州地区获得注册会计师执照必须完成五年高等教育认证学院或大学。
学期 |
课程名称 |
课程英文名称 |
秋季学期 |
金融会计 |
ACC 201 Financial Reporting |
税务报告与分析 |
ACC 211 Tax Reporting and Analysis |
审计与会计专业 |
ACC 241 Auditing and the Accounting Profession |
会计职业道德 |
ACC 271 Accounting Ethics |
冬季学期 |
中级财务报告 |
ACC 203 Intermediate Financial Reporting |
中级税务报告与分析 |
ACC 213 Intermediate Tax Reporting and Analysis |
管理会计与控制 |
ACC 251 Managerial Accounting and Controls |
专业会计传播 |
ACC 261 Communications for Professional Accountants |
春季学期 |
高级财务报告 |
ACC 205 Advanced Financial Reporting |
高级税务报告与分析 |
ACC 215 Advanced Tax Reporting and Analysis |
会计报告分析与运用 |
ACC 231 Analysis and Use of Accounting Reports |
审计与鉴证服务 |
ACC 243 Auditing and Attestation Services |
☆ TOEFL 105或者雅思 7.5
☆ 会计硕士项目要求申请者在入学前修完以下三门课程,分别是:
金融会计概论(Introduction to Financial Accounting)
管理会计概论(Introduction to Managerial Accounting)
商法(Business Law)
项目不提供在校补课,需要在入学前完成。可以通过UC Davis或其他学校的summer session,甚至online课程完成以上两门选修课。
招生年份 |
招生人数 |
女生比例 |
国际学生比例 |
平均年龄 |
GMAT均分 |
平均GPA |
2015 |
47 |
64% |
36% |
25 |
649 |
3.5 |
2014 |
39 |
57% |
41% |
25 |
650 |
3.5 |
2013 |
29 |
40% |
30% |
23 |
640 |
3.4 |
UC Davis的MPA往年先通过Like Live进行视频面试,总共5道题。
1.Why would you like to attend the MPAc program at UC Davis?
2.Why would you like to earn graduate degree in accounting? What do you feel UC Davis offers that is different from other universities?
3.Describe your perfect post MPAc job and why does that appeal to you?
4.Who was your favorite professor and how did he or she influence your decision to pursue your major?
5.Who has had the most influence on your academic or professional decisions?
6.Tell me the biggest risk you have taken and what's the outcome?
7.Tell me three things you want me to know about your background.
8.What challenges do you expect to face while attending graduate school? How will you handle these?
9.Describe your greatest accomplishment.
10.Talk about your weakness and how you improve?
11.How would your friends describe you in three words?
12.Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. How did you adapt?
13.What do you consider to be the most important developments in the field of accounting over the past ten years
14.How to resolve conflicting opinions in a team?
15.Imagine yourself on a team. What would be your ideal role, and why would that position be the most suitable for you?
16.Tell me a time when there are multiple things in your plate, how did you prioritize them?
17.What you will introduce yourself when first meet your team?
18.Think of an actual situation in which you faced a difficult and time-consuming task. How did you show perseverance?
19.What's the definition of leadership and how do you achieve these skills?
20.If you can read a biography of someone, who will you choose?
加州大学戴维斯分校MPAc项目虽然开设时间短,但是在湾区的口碑已经很不错。会计项目,包括其他商科项目,很注重alumni,和业界的联系,ucd跟北加州的大中小会计事务所都有不错的关系,相信时间长了,这个alumni connection会更加强。
☀ 项目大小
☀ 大家最关心的就业率
今年国际生到现在为止6人找到工作,6/11,大家自己看咯。其中3个同学拿到不止一家的offer噢!虽然主要的招聘在秋季结束了,但春季也还有机会,所以到毕业的时候会更高。而且还有两三个已经定了想回国工作,也就没有在这边找。还是那句话,真正想留的就一定能留下。考虑到这些因素就业率在会计硕士项目里已经超赞,当然除了第一梯队nd wfu大神校我们就不比了~喜欢加州的同学请不要犹豫。
davis在九月有meet the firms event,附近的所有四大,中型,小型firm都会过来招人,之后进行面试。我们都是通过秋季校招找到工作的。这届国际生到现在为止找到的都是big4,去年留下的学长学姐也有进national/regional firm的。进四大都是audit,tax,相对audit更多一些。davis的位置确实比较偏,公交能到市内买东西的各个地方,davis本来就是college town, 很小的。如果喜欢经常往外跑可以考虑买车,开车到sacramento二十分钟,sf一个半小时到两个小时。
☀ 关于OPT
因为项目只有九个月,没有cpt,项目结束后有12个月的opt。9-12月四大的秋季招聘,9月开始申请,10月给一面,之后陆续面试,大部分offer会在感恩节之前发。春季补招机会非常少。比如说我们这届,就是15年的8/9月开始工作。h1b如果15年4月能抽到,8-9月用opt,10月开始h1b。如果没抽到,16年还能再抽一次。超过12个月的opt用opt extension。
☀ 课程安排