发布时间:2016-03-28 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2186次
目前,USNEWS综排前100的学校中,已有40多所院校开设了金融硕士项目。这也让大家的选择越来越多。今天,金东方留学为大家速递一所新的金融项目:明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota),MSc in Finance。
明大是一所公立学校,2015 US News世界大学排名29,2016年 US News美国最佳大学排名69,有“公立常春藤”的称号,位于密西西比河畔的明尼阿波利斯及圣保罗。
Master of Science in Finance
新项目开设在卡尔森管理学院(Carlson School of Management)下,该学院在2016年US News美国研究生最佳商学院排名27,所以关于学院的实力就不多说了。项目时长1年,3个学期,共需要完成39个学分,每个学分$1,267,总学费是$57,015。
课程结合了金融理论,量化和计算方法及实际应用的内容。对于应届生来说,一个不太好的消息就是该项目六月(夏季)开学,官方也说了,该项目是专门为recent graduates and early-career professionals而设。
Summer/11 credits
☀ Computing for Finance: Excel/VBA I and II (2 classes of 2 credits each)
☀ Fundamentals of Finance I and II (2 classes of 2 credits each)
☀ Financial Accounting (3 credits)
Fall A/8 credits
☀ Financial Econometrics and Computational Methods I (2 credits)
☀ Fundamentals of Finance III (2 credits)
☀ Financial Statement Analysis (2 credits)
☀ Communications for Finance (2 credits)
Fall B/8 credits
☀ Financial Econometrics and Computational Methods II (2 credits)
☀ Corporate Valuation & Modeling (2 credits)
☀ Global Economy (2 credits)
☀ Fixed Income Securities (2 credits)
Spring A/6 to 8 credits
☀ Experiential Learning 1: Corporate Valuation (2 credits)
☀ Derivatives and Risk Management I (2 credits)
☀ Quantitative Portfolio Analysis (2 credits)
☀ Elective (2 credits)
Spring B/6 to 8 credits
☀ Experiential Learning 2: Financial Data Analysis (2 credits)
☀ Electives (4 to 6 credits)
☀ Behavioral Finance (2 credits)
☀ International Finance (2 credits)
☀ Advanced Financial Modeling (2 credits)
☀ Mergers and Acquisitions (2 credits)
☀ Securitization Markets (2 credits)
☀ Derivatives and Risk Management II (2 credits)
☀ Private Equity (2 credits)
☀ Graduate courses offered by other departments in the business school upon approval.
☀ 要求修过统计及微积分课程
☀ 最好修过线性代数课程
☀ 最好有相关工作经历
☀ 会有面试
☀ TOEFL达到105+比较有竞争力,或IELTS要求最低7.0,每部分不少于6.5
第一轮截止时间: November 1, 2015
第二轮截止时间: January 1, 2016
第三轮截止时间: February 1, 2016