发布时间:2016-07-29 点击:2120次
项目名称:MS in Marketing, MBA in Marketing
MS in Marketing:有full-time和part-time两种形式。在这里仅重点介绍full-time program。时长为12个月。总学分要求为36 credits。该项目是没有相关工作经历的申请者的理想选择。学生通过学习该项目,将学会分析复杂的市场数据资料,深入了解市场并制定出合适的营销方案,并且掌握独特且灵活的管理方法。
Tuition:$56,200 (for entire 12-month program)
Informal specializations
Consumer Behavior*
Marketing Research and Strategic Marketing^
Marketing Strategy and Management+
Business Foundations (14 credits)
Business Communication
Leadership Ethics Seminar
Business Law
Statistical Analysis
Decision Models
Operations Management
Marketing Management*
Functional Core (required courses - 6 credits)
Strategic Marketing
Marketing Research
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Marketing Electives (students select 8 electives, for a total of 16 credits)
Advanced Marketing Strategy+
Analysis for Product and Services Innovation^
Behavioral Analysis for Marketing Decisions*
Branding and Marketing Communications*
Business-to-Business Marketing*
Competitive Pricing Analysis+
Customer Relationship Management^
Digital Marketing and Social Media^
Entrepreneurial Marketing+
Sales Force and Channels of Distribution+
2.GMAT: 学校建议提供。
3.Essay questions:
1),What are your career aspirations and why is a graduate business degree the next step to achieving those goals? Specifically, why have you chosen a Johns Hopkins program to do this? (500 words).
2),Please answer essay option 2A) or essay option 2B).
2A) Describe your most significant success or failure. Please include the situation, attributions related to it and what you learned from it (500 words)
2B) Describe a time in which your ethics were challenged. How did you address the situation and what did you learn? (500 words)
3) Why are you a strong candidate for the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School program? What makes the Carey degree a good fit for you? How will you make a unique contribution to the Carey community? (300 words)
Strong potential for success as a student, leader, and manager
Active community involvement
★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是相关的部分精选成功案例!
☆纽约大学整合营销硕士(MS in Integrated Marketing)申请攻略