
发布时间:2016-07-18    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:2360次

爱荷华州立大学Biostatistics专业设在College of Public Health里的Department of Biostatistics.提供生物统计学的Ms和PhD学位。生物统计专业课程设置是为了让学生在Biomedical和Public Health学习中培养策划和分析数据的能力。学时两年。

  Iowa State University的Biostatistics专业介绍:

  Biostatistics专业设在Iowa State University下的College of Public Health里的Department of Biostatistics.提供生物统计学的Ms和PhD学位。目前主要的研究方向是survey sampling, survival data, statistical methods for epidemiology, statistical genetics, clinical trials, longitudinal data, categorical data, multivariate analysis, and discriminant analysis, and public health statistics. 2006年该专业有八位中国人入学,比例是8/14,另外该学院的returning students22名,其中13位中国学生,显然,Iowa State University是对中国学生十分友好的大学,而且似乎Biostatistics专业特别青睐中国学生。


  生物统计专业课程设置是为了让学生在Biomedical和Public Health学习中培养策划和分析数据的能力。学时两年。专业必修和选修课有生物统计,统计和流行病学或与卫生相关联的课程。毕业生适合在制药厂,政府部门里工作,也适合在大学执教。


  生物统计专业申请要求:建议有理科,数学或卫生科学背景的学生申请。最低GPA:3.0。尽管学校对GRE的成绩要求并不算高,1050就可以申请,但学院也说明学生的GRE成绩在1250-1350这个水平上会较有竞争力。TOEFL(600) 或IELTS(7.0)。除此之外,学院要求学生会应用至少一种编程语言,如FORTRAN, C 或 C++,入学学生要预修与University of Iowa相匹配的微积分,线性代数课程(详见学校网页)。







  An, Hyonggin :(助理教授)

  •Missing data analysis

  •Bayesian statistics

  •Causal inference

  •Statistical modeling in neurology and psychology

  •Skewed data analysis

  Burmeister, Leon(教授):

  •Theory of design of sample surveys

  •Epidemiology of cancer deaths in Iowa farmers

  •Drinking water quality in rural Iowa

  •Epidemiology of occupational health

  •Biostatistical methods in clinical trials

  Chaloner, Kathryn*(Head professor):

  •Clinical trials

  •Bayesian statistics

  •Experimental design

  •HIV/AIDS research

  •Viral dynamics

  Cavanaugh, Joseph(副教授):

  •Model selection

  •Time series analysis

  •Modeling diagnostics

  Clarke, William(教授):

  •Clinical trials

  •Discriminant analysis

  •Coronary risk factors in children

  •Cardiovascular disease epidemiology

  •Longitudinal data analysis

  Dawson, Jeffrey(副教授):

  •Clinical trials methodology

  •Analysis of repeated measures

  •Driving simulator studies

  •Family practice

  •Risk factors of young adult cardiovascular disease

  •Statistical methods in Epidemiology

  Huang, Jian (教授):

  •Statistical Genetics

  •Analysis of Microarray Data

  •Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models

  •Survival Analysis

  Jones, Michael(教授):

  •Survival analysis

  •Semiparametric regression


  •Methods for informative dropout

  •Robust methods of regression

  •Likelihood theory

  •Tests for heterogeneity

  •Statistical methods for epidemiology

  Oleson, Jacob J. (助理教授) :

  •Spatial statistics

  •Bayesian methods

  •Analysis of survey data

  •Small area estimation

  Pendergast, Jane(教授):

  •Longitudinal data methods

  •Analysis of repeated measures

  •Public health statistics and policy

  Smith, Brian(助理教授) :

  •Bayesian statistics

  •Computational statistics

  •Spatial statistics and environmental exposure assessment

  Wang, Kai:(副教授):

  •Statistical genetics

  •Computation and algoriithms

  •Nonparametric estimation under biased sampling

  Zamba, Gideon(助理教授):

  •Influenza-like-illnesses in Syndromic Surveillance

  •Fast detection algorithms

  •Multivariate Change-point problems

  •Dynamic control and moving windows

  Zhang, Ying (副教授):

  •Panel count data

  •Survival data analysis

  •Longitudinal data analysis

  •Data mining and statistical computing

  •Multiple comparisons in regression modeling

  Zimmerman, M. Bridget(副教授):

  •Sample size and power

  •Longitudinal data analysis

  •Logistic regression models

        ★金东方留学 ----直属国家发改委培训中心,16年专注于出国留学高端品牌机构,美国TOP30录取率85%,英国留学(TOP10申请)、澳洲留学(八大名校)、加拿大留学(TOP10申请)、香港及新加坡等英语国家高端申请。以下是金东方留学团队近两年统计专业部分成功案例!

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        ☆2016 U.S.News美国研究生统计学专业排名








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