发布时间:2016-07-18 点击:3110次
Northeastern University - Master of Science in Accounting(注:或至少满足学校先修课要求)
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Integrated Master of Accountancy (注:只有春季入学)
University of Washington-Seattle - Master of Professional Accounting
Purdue University- Master of Science in Accounting
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities - Master of Accountancy (注:会计或金融专业)
University of Alabama - Master of Accountancy
University of Missouri - Master's of Accountancy - MAcc degree
Boston College - Master of Science in Accounting(注:秋季入学只招收会计背景,非会计背景只能申请夏季入学)
College of William and Mary- Master of Accounting(注:春季入学只招收会计背景,秋季入学不限制背景)
Florida State University - Master of Accounting (注:新项目,暂无案例分析。官网没有具体先修课List,偏向会计背景;而且学校为非会计、非商科背景另开了一个两年的项目,因此毕达推断此项目十分偏向会计背景申请者)
University of New Hampshire- MS Accounting(注:会计背景一年,非会计、非商科背景需要读两年)
想申请会计?点击右侧浮框“在线咨询”或拨打电话4006 989 511。
University of Wisconsin--Madison- Graduate Master of Accountancy
University of Southern California –Master of Business Taxation for Working Professionals (On Campus & Online)(注:3门,只有1门提供补课)
Wake Forest University - Master of Science in Accountancy (注:5门)
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor - Master of Accounting (注:5门)
College of William and Mary - Master of Accounting (注:7门,只有5门提供补课;秋季不限专业,春季只收会计背景)
Case Western Reserve University - Master of Accountancy (注:9门,只有3门提供补课)
University of California-Irvine - Master of Professional Accountancy (注:8门,只有4门提供补课)
University of Miami - Master of Accounting (注:9门,只有6门提供补课)
University of Miami - Master of Science in Taxation(注:9门,提供暑期在校补课,偏向商科背景)
Fordham University – MS in Accounting (注:3门,可在第一学期修读)
Fordham University - MS in Taxation (注:3门,可在第一学期修读)
Southern Methodist University - Master of Science in Accounting (注:3门)
University of Pittsburgh - Master of Science in Accounting (注:6门)
Texas A&M University--College Station - Master of Science in Accounting (注:4门,偏向会计背景)
Virginia Tech - The Master of Accounting and Information Systems(注:没有具体先修课程List,需要跟学校确定,但如果学校认为不满足要求可以延长至2年)
University of Vermont - Master of Accountancy (注:8门,只有2门提供补课)
North Carolina State University—Raleigh - Master of Accounting (注:7门,只有5门提供补课)
想申请会计?点击右侧浮框“在线咨询”或拨打电话4006 989 511。
Washington University in St. Louis - Master of Accounting (注:1门,另有一门不要求,但大部分申请者有修)
University of Notre Dame - Master of Science in Accountancy (注:7门,要求商科背景)
Vanderbilt University - Master of Accountancy (注:4门)
Vanderbilt University - MAcc Valuation (注:4门)
University of Virginia - Master of Science in Accounting (注:5门)
University of Southern California - Master of Accounting (注:夏季入学3门,秋季入学7门)
University of Southern California - Master of Business Taxation(注:夏季入学3门,秋季入学7门)
New York University - MS in Accounting (注:7门)
University of Rochester - M.S. in Accountancy (注:6门)
University of California-Davis - Master of Professional Accountancy (注:3门)
Lehigh University - MS Accounting and Information Analysis (注:商科背景6门先修课,且不提供在校补课),非商科背景要读2年,第一年读9门先修课,第二年读正式课程)
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign - Master of Science in Accountancy(注:3门,要求商科背景)
University of Florida-Master of Accounting(注:6门)
University of Texas—Austin - Master in Professional Accounting (注:5门)
Ohio State University - Master of Accounting (注:5门)
Tulane University - Master of Accounting (注:4门)
Clemson University - Master of Professional Accountancy(注:30 semester hours in the business and 18 (or 21) semester hours of upper division accounting)
University of Maryland--College Park - MS in Accounting (注:2门)
American University - Master of Science in Accounting (注:4门)
Baylor University - Master of Taxation (注:7门)
Baylor University - Master of Accountancy (注:7门)
Indiana University—Bloomington - Master of Science in Accounting (注:9门)
Marquette University - MS in Accounting (注:6门,偏向会计背景)
Miami University—Oxford - Master of Accountancy (注:19门)
University of Delaware - MS in Accounting (注:5门)
Michigan State University - Master of Science in Accounting(注:3门)
Binghamton University—SUNY - MS in Accounting (注:12门)
University of Alabama - Master of Tax Accounting(注:7门)
University of Colorado—Boulder - MS Business Administration Accounting (注:4门)
University of Denver - Master of Accountancy(注:7门)
University of San Diego - Master of Science in Accountancy / Master of Science in Taxation (注:9门)
St. Louis University - Master of Accounting (注:5门)
University of Georgia - Master of Accountancy(注:录取后才会告知先修课,但不知道是要修好再过去还是让学生第一学期修)
American University -MS in Taxation(注:官网没有列明先修课要求,学校表示需要看成绩单才能确定是否满足要求。)
想申请会计?点击右侧浮框“在线咨询”或拨打电话4006 989 511。
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill - Master of Accounting
Boston College - Master of Science in Accounting (注:非会计背景夏季入学,会计背景秋季入学)
George Washington University - Master of Accountancy
University of Iowa - Master of Accountancy(注:非会计、非商科背景需要修读更长的课程)
Clark University - MS in Accounting(注:prior coursework in quantitative methods is recommended)
Drexel University - MS in Accounting(注:学校回复无专业背景要求,但从录取上看,更偏向录取商科背景)
Florida State University- Master of Accounting Program for Non-Business Undergraduate Majors(注:给非会计、非商科专业的申请者申请,长度为两年)
Lehigh University - MS Accounting and Information Analysis (注:商科背景6门先修课,且不提供在校补课,非商科背景要读2年,第一年读9门先修课,第二年读正式课程)
Virginia Tech - The Master of Accounting and Information Systems(注:不满足先修课要求的课程长度可以延长为2年,满足先修课要求长度为12-18个月)
MIT - Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS)-Accounting & Control concentration
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign- Master of Accounting Science
Pennsylvania State University-University Park - Master of Accounting
University of Miami - Accelerated Master of Accounting
University of Miami - Accelerated Master of Science in Taxation
Pepperdine University - Master of Science in Accounting
Brigham Young University--Provo - Master of Accountancy
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersy - Master of Accountancy in Financial Accounting
Texas Christian University - Professional Program in Accounting
To be considered, all international students must hold an undergraduate degree from an AACSB-accredited U.S. university,6门先修课
University of Massachusetts—Amherst - Master of Science in Accounting
University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Master of Professional Accounting
University of Connecticut - Master of Science in Accounting
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