发布时间:2016-03-31 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2162次
项目名称:Master of Planning(Urban planning)
Urban planning professionals帮助团体成员或者决策者找到相对应的解决案例,以此解决与土地使用、运输、房屋、经济发展、环境、可持续性发展和社区设计相关的问题。他们解决的问题针对的对象有城市街道、邻舍、市中心,以及甚至整个地区。在他们的跨领域以及跨行业的工作中,他们将与商界人士、市民团体和镇府官员一起定义、组织并更好地理解他们周边的物理性的、自然性的以及社会性的环境。
南加大的Master of Planning (MPL)项目开设在Price公共政策学院,是全美出色的城市规划项目之一。他的这个公共政策学院在U.S. News & World Report的Public Affairs专业方面排名第六。并且该项目由美国Planning Accreditation Board of the American Planning Association认证。该校的该项目主要解决的问题如下:
★How can we make a city greener without creating inefficiencies that adversely affect residents’ lives?
★How can we protect vulnerable communities while managing growth and change?
★What balance does a region need between private and public transportation?
★What design components could we insert into neighborhood plans to help residents live healthier, more socially connected lives?
★Cities are growing around the world. How does the American experience compare and contrast to the challenges and opportunities in Asian or Latin American cities?
★How do we envision a healthy, prosperous future to create livable and sustainable communities?
◎MPL program的里程碑是其在规划方面的多方位视角,多领域的解决方案。该项目所针对的规划领域不仅仅是公共场所,同时也包括私人企业、非盈利机构、以及有城市规划和社区发展需求的市民。
◎师资力量雄厚:MPL 项目的老师都是地区非常出名的专业城市规划人才。
★Economic Development 经济发展
★Preservation and Design of the Built Environment 建筑环境的保留与设计
★Social and Community Planning 社会与社区设计
★Sustainable Land Use Planning 可持续性土地使用设计
★Transportation and Infrastructure Planning 运输与基础设施设计
核心课程:Eight lecture-seminar courses
Intersectoral Leadership (PPD 500)
Economics for Policy, Planning and Development (PPD 501a)
Planning Theory (PPD 524)
Statistics and Arguing from Data (PPD 525)
Comparative International Development (PPD 526)
The Social Context of Planning (PPD 527)
The Legal Environment of Planning (PPD 529)
Planning History and Urban Form (PPD 533)
学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好从以上5个Concentrations中选择一个。之后,这个Concentrations包括一门4 units的入门课(gateway course), 一门4 units 的methodology course以及2门选修课elective courses。
除以上提到的concentration选修课,学生需要额外再修读16 units的选修课。这些课程可以从international lab、planning专业的另一个concentration、 specialization、certificate program或其他相关专业获得。
*官方成绩单:接受纸质的,或者这些方式的e-transcript:eSCRIP SAFE (Grad)、eTranscriptCA (CCC)、Texas Server (Grad)、University to University
*Supplemental Form (网申系统完成)
*托福:(Institution code: 4852)
-What are your expectations of the graduate planning program at USC?
-How will the program prepare you intellectually and practically to succeed in your chosen professional activities?
-What personal, professional and educational experiences have prepared you to succeed at USC?
Fall: December 15 (scholarship deadline);July 1 (final deadline)
Spring: November 1
USC Price Recruitment and Admissions
650 Childs Way, RGL 111
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0626
Tel: (213) 740-0550
Fax: (213) 740-7573
E-mail: uscprice@usc.edu