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发布时间:2016-07-01    点击:2226次

Responsibilities include:
* Facilitates/manages the academic review processes, identifying issues relating to policy and compensation. Frequently researches complex issues within APO manual, interprets policy and makes judgment calls to provide resolution to non-routine academic matters. Serves as the Academic Personnel Resource for the Department of Psychology. Drafts letters, and assembles cases on behalf of the Chair. Maintains all AP records.
* Provides strategic advice and counsel to Department Chair and Director by analyzing and interpreting system-wide and campus policies, collective bargaining agreements, academic personnel procedures and practices.
* Counsels Senate and non/Senate faculty and other academic staff concerning moderate to complex work-related problems, sabbatical leave counseling, medical leaves, etc. Juxtaposes historical context with matters pertaining to current actions and advises Chair and Director on potential outcomes of decisions made at these levels. This involves an intrinsic understanding of and the ability to balance the needs of the faculty against limited resources in a climate of change and uncertainty.
* Analyzes and interprets guidelines and policies to provide advice and counsel to unit clients on issues such as compensation, work-eligibility (visa) matters such as H1-B processing or PR application, and benefits considerations.
* Directs the entire academic search process, including placement of ads, drafting of search plans, and conducting the initial screening of materials submitted. Ensures that candidate’s visits are professionally organized and successful.
* Holds responsibility for department website including updating faculty profile information and links to faculty lab websites. Provides analytical and administrative support to the Chair and attends faculty meetings and keeps minutes, records faculty votes and implements required actions.
* Responsible for all non-senate academic appointments and searches including adjuncts, visiting professors, and lecturers. Liaisons with Campus Shared Services regarding salaries for research and summer funding.
* Participates in career and professional development; serves on department, college and campus committees as needed.
Required Qualifications Knowledge/Skills:
* In-depth knowledge of and ability to apply/interpret campus and college policies and procedures which govern academic HR.
* Excellent critical and innovative thinking skills to address complex issues and present nuanced analyses.
* Thorough knowledge of system-wide and campus policies, union contracts, procedures and practices that govern academic HR administration.
* Thorough knowledge of campus and college goals, priorities and values and the legal and human implications of decisions.
* Ability to analyze complex management issues; develop project scope and solutions, give professional advice to senior officials and make critical decisions regarding personnel.
* Excellent writing skills.
* Excellent oral communication skills, including tact and diplomacy and ability to maintain confidentiality.
* Experience working with online HR systems such as Human Capital Management and AP modules.


加州大学伯克利分校(University of California-Berkeley)是美国顶尖公立研究型大学,也是世界上最富盛名且最顶尖的公立大学。与斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院一同被誉为美国工程科技界的学术领袖,常年位居上海交通大学世界大学学术排名(ARWU)前四名,泰晤士报高等教育期刊(Times Higher Education, THE)全球大学排行前十名,美国新闻和世界报导(US News)首次发布的世界大学排名中位列全球第三名(2015年)。

曾在伯克利工作和学习的诺贝尔奖得主不少于69位,其中包括25位校友。15位图灵奖得主,位居世界第一,7位菲尔兹奖得主与普林斯顿大学并驾齐驱。2003年,伯克利被英国泰晤士报评为世界大学学术排名第一名;第二年被评为世界第二,仅次于哈佛大学。1995 年,在每十年进行一次的美国 National Research Council 学术水平评估中,伯克利的 36 个学科中有 35 个在全国名列前十名,成为拥有数最多的学校之一。此外,伯克利的教授中有136 位美国科学院院士和91位美国工程院院士。


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