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发布时间:2016-06-06    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:2368次

加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学计算机工程专业开设在应用科学和工程学院下面,开设硕士MASc、MEng和博士三个学位;其中硕士MASc, MEng: 1-2 years,博士项目为期4年;申请最低要求是相关专业学士学位。

  项目:计算机工程硕士【Master of Applied Science in Computer Engineering (MASCE) 】


  加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学计算机工程专业开设在应用科学和工程学院下面,开设硕士MASc、MEng和博士三个学位;其中硕士MASc, MEng: 1-2 years,博士项目为期4年;申请最低要求是相关专业学士学位。


  MASc, MEng, MEM: $632-$953/semester;PhD: $887/semester



  Seven Core Courses (3 credit hours each)

  ENGI 9859 Computer Engineering Fundamentals

  ENGI 9861 High Performance Computer Architecture

  ENGI 9865 Advanced Digital Systems

  ENGI 9867 Advanced Computing Concepts for Engineering

  ENGI 9871 Information Theory and Coding

  ENGI 9874 Software Design and Specifications

  ENGI 9876 Advanced Data Networks

  One Project Course (6 credit hours)

  ENGI 980A/B Computer Engineering Project

  Three Elective Courses: (3 credit hours each)

  ENGI 9821 Digital Signal Processing

  ENGI 9822 Nonlinear Image Processing & Analysis

  ENGI 9868 ASIC Design

  ENGI 9869 Advanced Concurrent Programming

  ENGI 9872 Digital Communications

  ENGI 9875 Embedded and Real-Time Systems Design

  ENGI 9877 Computer and Communications Security

  ENGI 9878 Wireless and Mobile Communications

  ENGI 9879 Formal Specification and Development

  ENGI 9880/83 Special Topics in Computer Engineering

  ENGI 9888/91 Special Topics in Communications Engineering

  CS 6752 Applications of Computer Graphics

  CS 6756 Digital Image Processing

  PHYS 6102 Optics and Photonics



  November 1 (MEng and PhD) for Fall admission

  April 1 (graduate diploma, MASc, international MEM) for Fall admission

  May 1 (Canadian MEM) for Fall admission


  ★ 完成在线申请表(Complete the online application for admission)

  ★ 成绩单,Official transcript(s) (must be submitted by post mail)

  ★ Standardized test scores:

  TOEFL成绩80+;IELTS成绩6.5+(must be submitted by post mail)


  ★ 申请费:100加元

  ★ 2封推荐信:Two (2) letters of appraisal.

  ★Authorization for use of representative

  ★ 个人简历:Resume or Curriculum Vitae

  ★ 写作样本Writing samples

  ★ 资金证明Financial guarantee


  • 2023年至领留学名校录取榜
  • 2022年至领留学名校录取榜
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