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发布时间:2016-05-17    文章来源: 金东方留学    点击:2776次

为方便学生们选校,我们总结整理出NRC公布的美国大学航天工程(Aerospace Engineering)专业PhD排名,供学生们参考。

  为方便学生们选校,我们总结整理出NRC公布的美国大学航天工程(Aerospace Engineering)专业PhD排名,供学生们参考。

排名 大学 Regres Quality Survey Quality Student Outcomes Jobs at Grad Diversity
1-1 California Institute of Technology
1-3 1-1 1-3 72% 16-25
2-6 Cornell University
Aerospace Engineering
4-13 2-6 1-8 78% 12-22
2-5 Stanford University
Aeronautics and Astronautics
1-2 2-4 24-26 68% 17-26
2-5 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Aerospace Engineering
3-9 2-5 5-13 66% 4-12
2-6 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
5-16 3-7 1-5 87% 8-18
5-9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aeronautics and Astronautics
2-7 7-17 9-18 68% 1-3
5-10 University of Colorado at Boulder
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
3-6 5-13 13-20 73% 16-26
5-10 University of Maryland-College Park
Aerospace Engineering
9-22 5-13 6-17 79% 2-6
7-11 Purdue University-Main Campus
Aeronautics and Astronautics
5-14 7-17 5-14 69% 7-14
7-12 University of Notre Dame
Aerospace Engineering
8-17 8-20 2-9 80% 28-30
8-14 Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Aerospace Engineering
7-19 6-16 16-23 64% 3-10
11-18 Texas A & M University
Aerospace Engineering
13-23 5-12 4-14 45% 3-12
11-19 University at Buffalo
Aerospace Engineering
11-23 10-21 5-17 70%* 20-28
11-19 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aerospace Engineering
7-21 8-18 19-25 61% 11-21
12-22 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Aerospace Engineering
7-16 8-22 17-24 59% 17-24
12-22 University of California-Los Angeles
Aerospace Engineering
9-20 13-26 27-29 75% 11-20
13-23 North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Aerospace Engineering
13-23 15-27 7-19 71% 24-28
13-22 Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Aerospace Engineering
12-22 8-20 19-24 58% 4-11
13-23 University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Aeronautics and Astronautics
9-20 8-21 13-23 62% 27-29
14-25 Old Dominion University
Aerospace Engineering
23-28 18-29 5-23 83% 13-24
14-27 University of Arizona
Aerospace Engineering
22-30 14-26 1-12 70%* 18-27
15-25 Wright State University-Main Campus
16-24 16-28 12-20 NA 5-15
17-25 The University of Texas at Austin
Aerospace Engineering
4-11 16-26 24-26 58% 27-30
21-28 Auburn University Main Campus
Aerospace Engineering
27-31 24-30 3-14 76%* 13-24
20-28 Iowa State University
Aerospace Engineering
25-30 21-29 10-24 70%* 4-13
22-28 University of Cincinnati-Main Campus
Aerospace Engineering
24-29 20-28 16-24 56% 1-5
22-28 University of Southern California
Aerospace Engineering
20-26 17-26 5-16 45%* 10-19
25-29 University of Florida
Aerospace Engineering
15-26 13-25 27-28 38% 1-6
26-30 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Aeronautical Engineering
9-24 26-31 31-31 70%* 31-31
29-31 Ohio State University-Main Campus
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
25-31 24-31 29-30 62% 7-20
30-31 University of Kansas
Aerospace Engineering
27-31 29-31 28-30 76%* 17-27


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