发布时间:2016-05-12 文章来源: 金东方留学 点击:2049次
排名 | 学校 | 得分 |
#1 |
Yale University 耶鲁大学 New Haven, CT |
4.5 |
#2 |
Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI |
4.4 |
#2 |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL |
4.4 |
#4 |
University of California—Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶校区 Los Angeles, CA |
4.3 |
#4 |
Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA |
4.3 |
#6 |
California Institute of the Arts Valencia, CA |
4.2 |
#7 |
Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学 Pittsburgh, PA |
4.1 |
#7 |
Cranbrook Academy of Art Bloomfield Hills, MI |
4.1 |
#7 |
Maryland Institute College of Art Baltimore, MD |
4.1 |
#10 |
Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学 New York, NY |
4.0 |
#11 |
Alfred University—New York State College of Ceramics Alfred, NY |
3.9 |
#11 |
California College of the Arts San Francisco, CA |
3.9 |
#13 |
Bard College Annandale-on-Hudson, NY |
3.8 |
#13 |
CUNY—Hunter College New York, NY |
3.8 |
#13 |
Temple University Philadelphia, PA |
3.8 |
#13 |
University of California—San Diego 加州大学-圣地亚哥校区 La Jolla, CA |
3.8 |
#13 |
Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Saint Louis, MO |
3.8 |
#18 |
Art Center College of Design Pasadena, CA |
3.7 |
#18 |
Ohio State University 俄亥俄州立大学 Columbus, OH |
3.7 |
#18 |
School of Visual Arts New York, NY |
3.7 |
#18 |
University of Wisconsin—Madison 威斯康星大学-麦迪逊校区 Madison, WI |
3.7 |
#22 |
Arizona State University Tempe, AZ |
3.6 |
#22 |
Massachusetts College of Art Boston, MA |
3.6 |
#22 |
University of Georgia 佐治亚大学 Athens, GA |
3.6 |
#22 |
University of Iowa Iowa City, IA |
3.6 |
#22 |
University of Texas—Austin德克萨斯大学-奥斯汀校区 Austin, TX |
3.6 |
#27 |
Otis College of Art and Design Los Angeles, CA |
3.5 |
#27 |
Pratt Institute Brooklyn, NY |
3.5 |
#27 |
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY |
3.5 |
#27 |
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校 New Brunswick, NJ |
3.5 |
#27 |
San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco, CA |
3.5 |
#27 |
University of California—Davis 加州大学-戴维斯校区 Davis, CA |
3.5 |
#27 |
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 Champaign, IL |
3.5 |
#27 |
University of Michigan 密歇根大学 Ann Arbor, MI |
3.5 |
#27 |
University of Washington 华盛顿大学 Seattle, WA |
3.5 |
#36 |
Cornell University 康奈尔大学 Ithaca, NY |
3.4 |
#36 |
Indiana University—Bloomington (Hope) 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 Bloomington, IN |
3.4 |
#36 |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design Minneapolis, MN |
3.4 |
#36 |
New School—Parsons School of Design New York, NY |
3.4 |
#36 |
Stanford University 斯坦福大学 Stanford, CA |
3.4 |
#36 |
Tufts University - School of the Museum of Fine Arts—Boston 塔夫茨大学 Boston, MA |
3.4 |
#36 |
University of Arizona Tucson, AZ |
3.4 |
#36 |
University of California—Berkeley 加州大学伯克利校区 Berkeley, CA |
3.4 |
#36 |
University of Southern California 南加州大学 Los Angeles, CA |
3.4 |
#45 |
Herron School of Art & Design Indianapolis, IN |
3.3 |
#45 |
New York University 纽约大学 New York, NY |
3.3 |
#45 |
Purchase College—SUNY Purchase, NY |
3.3 |
#45 |
Syracuse University 雪城大学 Syracuse, NY |
3.3 |
#45 |
University of Illinois—Chicago Chicago, IL |
3.3 |
#45 |
University of Minnesota—Twin Cities 明尼苏达大学--双城校区 Minneapolis, MN |
3.3 |
#45 |
University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 Philadelphia, PA |
3.3 |
#45 |
University of Tennessee—Knoxville Knoxville, TN |
3.3 |
#53 |
Columbia College 哥伦比亚大学 Chicago, IL |
3.2 |
#53 |
Ohio University Athens, OH |
3.2 |
#53 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 伦斯勒理工学院 Troy, NY |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of California—Irvine 加州大学欧文校区 Irvine, CA |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 Chicago, IL |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of Colorado—Boulder 科罗拉多大学波尔德校区 Boulder, CO |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳大学—教堂山校区 Chapel Hill, NC |
3.2 |
#53 |
University of the Arts Philadelphia, PA |
3.2 |
#62 |
Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA |
3.1 |
#62 |
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA |
3.1 |
#62 |
Northwestern University 西北大学 Evanston, IL |
3.1 |
#62 |
Southern Illinois University—Carbondale Carbondale, IL |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of Florida 佛罗里达大学 Gainesville, FL |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of Nebraska—Lincoln Lincoln, NE |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of North Texas Denton, TX |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of Oregon Eugene, OR |
3.1 |
#62 |
University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI |
3.1 |
#72 |
Boston University 波士顿大学 Boston, MA |
3.0 |
#72 |
Cleveland Institute of Art Cleveland, OH |
3.0 |
#72 |
Florida State University Tallahassee, FL |
3.0 |
#72 |
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Philadelphia, PA |
3.0 |
#72 |
San Diego State University San Diego, CA |
3.0 |
#72 |
Stony Brook University—SUNY 纽约州立大学—石溪分校 Stony Brook, NY |
3.0 |
#72 |
University at Buffalo—SUNY Buffalo, NY |
3.0 |
#72 |
University of Kansas Lawrence, KS |
3.0 |
#72 |
University of South Florida Tampa, FL |
3.0 |
#72 |
West Virginia University Morgantown, WV |
3.0 |
#82 |
California State University—Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA |
2.9 |
#82 |
Columbus College of Art and Design Columbus, OH |
2.9 |
#82 |
George Mason University Fairfax, VA |
2.9 |
#82 |
Kent State University Kent, OH |
2.9 |
#82 |
Mills College Oakland, CA |
2.9 |
#82 |
Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL |
2.9 |
#82 |
San Jose State University San Jose, CA |
2.9 |
#82 |
SUNY—New Paltz New Paltz, NY |
2.9 |
#82 |
University of California—Santa Cruz 加州大学圣克鲁兹校区 Santa Cruz, CA |
2.9 |
#82 |
University of Maryland—College Park 马里兰大学 College Park, MD |
2.9 |
#82 |
University of Massachusetts—Dartmouth North Dartmouth, MA |
2.9 |
#93 |
California State University—Long Beach Long Beach, CA |
2.8 |
#93 |
College for Creative Studies Detroit, MI |
2.8 |
#93 |
CUNY—Brooklyn College Brooklyn, NY |
2.8 |
#93 |
CUNY—City College New York, NY |
2.8 |
#93 |
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro, PA |
2.8 |
#93 |
Iowa State University Ames, IA |
2.8 |
#93 |
James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA |
2.8 |
#93 |
Memphis College of Art Memphis, TN |
2.8 |
#93 |
Miami University 迈阿密大学牛津分校 Oxford, OH |
2.8 |
#93 |
Michigan State University 密歇根州立大学 East Lansing, MI |
2.8 |
#93 |
Montana State University Bozeman, MT |
2.8 |
#93 |
New York Studio School New York, NY |
2.8 |
#93 |
San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA |
2.8 |
#93 |
Tulane University 杜兰大学 New Orleans, LA |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of California—Santa Barbara 加州大学圣塔巴巴拉校区 Santa Barbara, CA |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of Connecticut 康涅狄格大学 Storrs, CT |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of Kentucky Lexington, KY |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of Massachusetts—Amherst Amherst, MA |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of Nevada—Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV |
2.8 |
#93 |
University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT |
2.8 |
#93 |
Washington State University Pullman, WA |
2.8 |
#114 |
Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH |
2.7 |
#114 |
Kansas State University Manhattan, KS |
2.7 |
#114 |
Maine College of Art Portland, ME |
2.7 |
#114 |
Pacific Northwest College of Art Portland, OR |
2.7 |
#114 |
Portland State University Portland, OR |
2.7 |
#114 |
Purdue University 普渡大学 West Lafayette, IN |
2.7 |
#114 |
University at Albany—SUNY Albany, NY |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Delaware 特拉华大学 Newark, DE |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Houston Houston, TX |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Maryland—Baltimore County Baltimore, MD |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Miami 迈阿密大学 Coral Gables, FL |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Notre Dame 圣母大学 Notre Dame, IN |
2.7 |
#114 |
University of Texas—San Antonio San Antonio, TX |
2.7 |
#127 |
California State University—Northridge Northridge, CA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Clemson University 克莱姆森大学 Clemson, SC |
2.6 |
#127 |
Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO |
2.6 |
#127 |
East Carolina University Greenville, NC |
2.6 |
#127 |
George Washington University Washington, DC |
2.6 |
#127 |
Georgia State University Atlanta, GA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Illinois State University Normal, IL |
2.6 |
#127 |
Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN |
2.6 |
#127 |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Moore College of Art and Design Philadelphia, PA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Savannah College of Art and Design Savannah, GA |
2.6 |
#127 |
Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX |
2.6 |
#127 |
University of Hawaii—Manoa Honolulu, HI |
2.6 |
#127 |
University of Montana Missoula, MT |
2.6 |
#127 |
University of North Carolina—Greensboro Greensboro, NC |
2.6 |
#127 |
University of Oklahoma Norman, OK |
2.6 |
#127 |
Utah State University Logan, UT |
2.6 |
#145 |
California State University—Fullerton Fullerton, CA |
2.5 |
#145 |
Howard University Washington, DC |
2.5 |
#145 |
New York School of Interior Design New York, NY |
2.5 |
#145 |
University of Denver 丹佛大学 Denver, CO |
2.5 |
#145 |
University of Texas—Arlington Arlington, TX |
2.5 |
#145 |
Vermont College of Fine Arts Montpelier, VT |
2.5 |
#145 |
Wayne State University Detroit, MI |
2.5 |
#145 |
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI |
2.5 |
#153 |
American University Washington, DC |
2.4 |
#153 |
Boise State University Boise, ID |
2.4 |
#153 |
Bradley University Peoria, IL |
2.4 |
#153 |
Brigham Young University Provo, UT |
2.4 |
#153 |
California State University—Chico Chico, CA |
2.4 |
#153 |
College at Brockport—SUNY Rochester, NY |
2.4 |
#153 |
CUNY—Lehman College Bronx, NY |
2.4 |
#153 |
CUNY—Queens College Flushing, NY |
2.4 |
#153 |
East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN |
2.4 |
#153 |
Ferris State University (Kendall) Grand Rapids, MI |
2.4 |
#153 |
Idaho State University Pocatello, ID |
2.4 |
#153 |
Montclair State University Montclair, NJ |
2.4 |
#153 |
New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM |
2.4 |
#153 |
New York Academy of Art New York, NY |
2.4 |
#153 |
Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA |
2.4 |
#153 |
Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville Edwardsville, IL |
2.4 |
#153 |
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX |
2.4 |
#153 |
Towson University Towson, MD |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of Hartford West Hartford, CT |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of Idaho Moscow, ID |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of Mississippi University, MS |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of Missouri Columbia, MO |
2.4 |
#153 |
University of South Carolina Columbia, SC |
2.4 |
#177 |
Brooks Institute Santa Barbara, CA |
2.3 |
#177 |
Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL |
2.3 |
#177 |
Lesley University Boston, MA |
2.3 |
#177 |
Maine Media College and the Maine Photographic Workshops Rockport, ME |
2.3 |
#177 |
Radford University Radford, VA |
2.3 |
#177 |
University of Memphis Memphis, TN |
2.3 |
#177 |
University of Minnesota—Duluth Duluth, MN |
2.3 |
#177 |
University of New Hampshire Durham, NH |
2.3 |
#177 |
University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK |
2.3 |
#177 |
Wichita State University Wichita, KS |
2.3 |
#187 |
Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI |
2.2 |
#187 |
Georgia Southern University Statesboro, GA |
2.2 |
#187 |
Goddard College Plainfield, VT |
2.2 |
#187 |
Louisiana Tech University Ruston, LA |
2.2 |
#187 |
Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX |
2.2 |
#187 |
University of Arkansas—Fayetteville Fayetteville, AR |
2.2 |
#187 |
University of Nevada—Reno Reno, NV |
2.2 |
#187 |
University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND |
2.2 |
#187 |
University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD |
2.2 |
#187 |
Winthrop University Rock Hill, SC |
2.2 |
#197 |
Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI |
2.1 |
#197 |
Florida International University Miami, FL |
2.1 |
#197 |
Fort Hays State University Hays, KS |
2.1 |
#197 |
LIU Post Brookville, NY |
2.1 |
#197 |
Marywood College Scranton, PA |
2.1 |
#197 |
Miami International University of Art and Design Miami, FL |
2.1 |
#197 |
Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX |
2.1 |
#197 |
Texas Woman's University Denton, TX |
2.1 |
#197 |
Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC |
2.1 |
#206 |
California State University—San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA |
2.0 |
#206 |
Laguna College of Art & Design Laguna Beach, CA |
2.0 |
#206 |
New Jersey City University Jersey City, NJ |
2.0 |
#206 |
Norfolk State University Norfolk, VA |
2.0 |
#206 |
University of Dallas Irving, TX |
2.0 |
#206 |
University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS |
2.0 |
#206 |
University of Texas—Tyler Tyler, TX |
2.0 |
#206 |
William Paterson University of New Jersey Wayne, NJ |
2.0 |