发布时间:2022-11-07 文章来源: 至领留学 点击:1523次
Master‘s Program in Computer Science (MPCS)
• 就业导向,晚上上课,Hyde Park校区
• 9-Course MS in Computer Science Program: 9个月毕业
• 12-Course MS in Computer Science Specialization Program: (15个月毕业),可以更进一步选择方向:software engineering, mobile computing, data analytics, and high-performance computing
Pre-Doctoral MS in Computer Science
• 12门课程,研究导向
• 需要有CS背景
• 为申请博士作准备
• GRE Quantitative: 80th percentile and above
• GMAT Quantitative: 70th percentile and above
• TOEFL 90+
• IELTS7.0(单项7.0)
• 对转专业相对友好
• 对编程和数学有背景要求,具体如下
1. Data types (native and derived)数据类型(原生和派生)
2. Operators, precedence, and expressions运算符,优先级和表达式
3. Assignment and statements分配和语句
4. Control flow (conditionals and iteration)控制流(条件和迭代)
5. Functions, return types, and parameters函数,返回类型和参数
6. Recursion递归
7. Console and file I/O控制台和文件I/O
Math Prerequisite Topics
1. Logic: propositional logic; quantifiers. 逻辑:命题逻辑;量词。
2. Mathematical reasoning: methods of proof, direct proof and indirect proof. Mathematical induction and strong induction.
3. Counting: methods of counting; permutations, combinations, binomial theorem, pigeonhole principle, inclusion-exclusion.
4. Discrete probability: discrete probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; Bernoulli trials, Bayes’s theorem, random variables and expected value; variance, geometric and binomial distributions.
5. Asymptotic notation.渐进符号
6. Recurrences and methods of solving recurrences. 递归及解递归的方法
7. Graphs: simple graphs, isomorphism, paths, trees. 图:简单图,同构,路径,树。
8. Modular arithmetic, divisibility, prime numbers; GCD and Euclid’s algorithm, Fermat’s little theorem模算术,可分性,素数;GCD和欧几里德算法,费马小定理