发布时间:2021-07-06 文章来源: 至领留学 点击:1937次
有“加拿大哈佛”之称的麦吉尔大学(McGill University),于2018年开设了商业分析(BA)相关项目,Masters of Management in Analytics(MMA)。
The MMA is designed for recent graduates with a Bachelor of Arts, Commerce, Economics, Engineering, or Science degree and with proven quantitative skills.
The program is best suited to students who have graduated in a related discipline, who have technical skills, and who are interested in studying analytics from a business or management perspective.
The program also caters to individuals with an undergraduate degree in any discipline, who are adept with computers, and who have a strong interest in the emerging field of analytics.
课程由三大模块组成:Core Module(21个学分)、Electives Module(15个学分)和Experiential Module(9个学分)。
•Managing Data Analytics Teams (1.5 credits)
•Coding Foundations for Analytics (3 credits)
•Mathematical and Statistical Foundations for Analytics (3 credits)
•Database and Distributed Systems for Analytics (3 credits)
•Multivariate Statistical Analysis (3 credits)
•Data Mining and Visualization (3 credits)
•Decision Analytics (3 credits)
•Ethical Leadership and Leading Change (1.5 credits)
•Talent Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Organizational Network Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Retail Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Pricing Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Advanced Marketing Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Internet Marketing Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Analytics for Digital Business Models (1.5 credits)
•Health Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Security Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Revenue Management (1.5 credits)
•Operations and Supply Chain Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Strategy Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Organizational Behaviour (1.5 credits)
•Information Systems (1.5 credits)
•Management Science (1.5 credits)
•Marketing Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Accounting Analytics (1.5 credits)
•Finance Analytics 1 (1.5 credits)
•Finance Analytics 2 (1.5 credits)
•Analytics Study Trip(3 credits)
•Management Analytics Capstone (6 credits)